Query: 121-150 of 351 Results
Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Title / Sections Scholar Guide Branch of Study Year
Effectiveness of a life skills intervention package for improving the emotional maturity and self-esteem of adolescent club member of ICDS in Kerala Maya J Pillai Theresa Susan A Education 2017
Effectiveness of a scientific temper package on certain cognitive and variables of students at secondary level Elizabeth Joshua Jayasree, P Education 2016
Effectiveness of a self image enhancement package on select life skills of children in need of care and protection Swapna Gopinath Jayasree P Education 2016
Effectiveness of a strategy based on a componential approach on reading comprehension in english and critical thinking among secondary school students Ambily, S Jaya Jaise Education 2019
Effectiveness of a value development instructional strategy on moral intelligence and leadership quality of students at higher secondary level Rinju P. Koshy Jacob, P.J Education 2018
Effectiveness of activity oriented method in teaching Biology in small groups and large groups of Secondary school students Usha Parvathy Celine Pereira Education 2004
Effectiveness of an adult instructional package for enhancing 3 rs and health awareness among tribal communities Biji B Celine Pereira Education 2022
Effectiveness of an E -Learning model in Physics based on trialogical approach on knowledge creation, social skills and achievement of secondary school students Alie Molly Verghis Sajna Jaleel Education 2017
Effectiveness of an instructional strategy based on cognitive appraisal theory for enhancing emotional intelligence and teacher self-efficacy of student teachers at secondary level Indu, P Celine Pereira Education 2019
Effectiveness of an instructional strategy based on critical thinking skills for learning mathematics at secondary school level Minni George Sajna Jaleel Education 2018
Effectiveness of an instructional strategy based on path- smoothing model on creative problem solving ability, perceptual speed and achievement in mathematics of students at secondary level Timy Thambi Jacob,P.J Education 2019
Effectiveness of animated and static visuals based instructional strategies on achievement in basic science of students at upper primary level Abdul Shukkoor, P K Jacob, P J Education 2014
Effectiveness of attention relevance confidence satisfaction model on certain cognitive and affective variables among students at secondary level Jessymol Mathew P.J. Jacob Education 2018
Effectiveness of brain compatible learning on select student related variables at primary school level Anisha, S Thulasidharan, T.V Education 2019
Effectiveness of Brain Targeted Teaching Model on 21st Century Skills and Achievement in Science at Secondary School Level Jyothi, K R Sajna Jaleel Education 2021
Effectiveness of certain behaviour modification models on achievement in Commerce among students at Higher secondary level Sajikumar, K B Jacob, P J Education 2012
Effectiveness of certain embedded strategies for improving academic performance in economics of students at higher secondary level. Remmiya Rajan, P Jaya Jaise Education 2011
Effectiveness of certain information processing models on achievement in English of students at secondary level Rajan, K Jaleel, P M Education 2014
Effectiveness of certain modern instructional strategies on academic achievement, self-concept and achievement motivation of institutionalized children at secondary level Manikandavijayan, V.T Thulasidharan,T.V Education 2018
Effectiveness of Chinese Mathematical Model for Learning Mathematics at Primary Level Anu, S R Exemmal, J Education 2022
Effectiveness of co- operative learning on learning styles and academic performance in Mathematics learning at the Upper primary level Sunila Thomas Sudharma, A Education 2009
Effectiveness of cognitive apprenticeship model on select cognitive and affective variables among secondary school students Sherly Philip Sajna Jaleel Education 2018
Effectiveness of community participation in raising productivity and production – A case of vegetable cultivation in Kerala Jaya Anitha Abraham Philip, P J Economics 2009
Effectiveness of concept mapping approach on select cognitive and affective correlates in teaching chemistry at higher secondary level Betsy Joseph, E Jaya Jaise Education 2019
Effectiveness of continuing education programmes on the socioeconomic and educational conditions of the tribal people of Kerala Raveendran, V. P Thulasidharan, T.V Education 2019
Effectiveness of critical pedagogy combined with constructivist approach in learning commerce at the Higher secondary level Jayalekshmi, S Jaleel, P M Education 2012
Effectiveness of cross-hedging in the indian equity futures market NITHIN JOSE Babu Jose Commerce 2023
Effectiveness of developed multisensory strategy on academic achievement of children with learning disability at primary level Ronu Thomas Jacob, P J Education 2016
Effectiveness of different training methods on phonological awareness of children with specific learning disorders Neelima C C Neelima Ranjith Psychology 2023
Effectiveness of drawing skill oriented instructional approach on achievement in basic science of students at primary level Manoj, A V Jacob, P J Education 2014

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