Query: 1-19 of 19 Results
Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Title / Sections Scholar Guide Branch of Study Year
A study of gestures among children with speech and hearing impairments, normal children and adults Jayaraj, B Razeena Padmam, M S Psychology 2005
Aetiological factors in suicidal behaviour Johnson, R Baburaj, P T Psychology 2003
An experimental study to test the efficacy of Raw Diet and Yoga to control Type 2 Diabetes in different stages of disease process Thressia, P A Rajeev Kumar, N Psychology 2016
Anxiety and depression among pregnant ladies during antenatal, intranatal and postnatal period Girija, K M Kumar, K A Psychology 2013
Effect of a psychoeducational intervention for mothers of children with specific learning disorders Nadia Moideen Seena M. Mathai Psychology 2022
Effectiveness of a comprehensive training program for the psychological enrichment of IT professionals in Kerala Vipin V Roldant Jayan, C Psychology 2021
Effectiveness of hope therapy in managing hope and depression in cancer patients MUHSINA LUBAIBA K. M. ASIF Seena M Mathai Psychology 2022
Effectiveness of lifestyle modification therapy on psychological aspects of infertility Suvrad M T Sukumaran, P S Psychology 2022
Identification and differentiation of students with mild mental retardation, scholastic backwardness and learning disabilities based on academic behaviours Manju P Emmanuel Muhamad Mustafa, K Psychology 2022
Injunctions and Health behaviour of Adolescents in Higher Secondary Schools of Ernakulam District: A Study on the efffectiveness of Transactional Analysis Therapy Girija S Elsheba Mathew Psychology 2019
Marital adjustment among IT Professionals in Kerala Mamman Joseph C Razeena Padmam, M S Psychology 2016
Marital adjustment and its psychosocial correlates – A cross-cultural study of women in Kerala and Qatar Bindu, M S Razeena Padmam, M S Psychology 2012
Parenting style and child’s mental health-intervention oriented study Vineetha, K J Jayan, C Psychology 2021
Psychotherapeutic Characterstics of Patients in End Stage Renal Disease on Hemodialysis and Effect of Psychological Invervention Tessy Grace Mathews Elsheba Mathew Psychology 2019
Sexual behavior in Adolescents: A study on the ecological correlates Saji Kumar, K P Mary Lucita (Sr) Psychology 2013
Sexual dysfunction in relation to sex knowledge, marital adjustment and emotional intelligence Jain Joseph Mathew, M K Psychology 2012
Temperament Character and executive functions among students with learning disabilities and without learning disabilities Gayathri Devi, M.S Muhamad Mustaffa, K Psychology 2019
The effect of laughter Yoga on selected psycho physiological variables among the elderly clients residing in the old age homes of Kottayam District Beena Mathew Dr Sr. Mary Lucita (Dr Agasa, K S) Psychology 2015
The efficacy of a package programme for the management of stuttering Mohandas, M Razeena Padmam, M S Psychology 2001

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