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Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Title / Sections Scholar Guide Branch of Study Year
A study of Certain Psycho-Educational Variables of Secondary School Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Hema, K.J Jacob,P.J Education 2019
A study of the quality of life of people with dementia in residential care homes of India Mathew Joseph Harilakshmeendra Kumar, C.R Gandhian studies 2019
A study on corporate social responsibility exercise of beach sand mineral industries in Kerala Mathew John Santhosh P Thampi Management studies 2019
A Study on social competency and educational aspirations in relation to emotional intelligence among tribal Students at secondary level. Savitha Prasad Poulose P.J Education 2019
Antimicrobial and Immunomodulatory Effects of Acacia catechu Sunil, M.A Jyothis Mathew Microbiology 2019
Buddhism in Kerala a critique Aravindam G Ajith Kumar, M P History 2022
Calcium sulfide based nanophosphors: structural, optical and cytotoxicity studies Rekha, S Anila, E.I Physics 2020
Certain investigation on secured cloud framework to detect and prevent co-resident DOS attacks. Rethishkumar, S Vijayakumar, R Computer science 2019
Cultural Conditioning and the Politics of Resistance:Gender and Class as Determinants in the Selected Fiction of Mahasweta Devi Susan Thomas Koshi, G English language and literature 2020
Developing a model based on cooperative learning for enhancing social intelligence and academic achievement among students at upper primary level Sunitha Susan Jose Poulose, P.J Education 2018
Developing new ceramic polymer materials for different technological applications Vinila, V.S Jayakumari Isac Physics 2020
Development of Biodegradable Polymer Nanocomposites for Various Applications Eldho Elias Sabu Thomas Chemistry 2019
Ecology of Mangrove Creeks in Chirackal and Kattiparambu of Ernakulam District, Kerala Sofia, S Merlee Teresa, M.V Botany 2019
Economic empowerment of women in Kerala with special reference to Wayanad district Astudy on micro enterprises promoted by Kudumbasree Sujisha , A.S Biju, T Commerce 2019
Empowerment of women workers through MGNREGP a study of Kerala experience Sefiya, K. M Santha ,S Commerce 2019
Ethical sustainability of tourism Industry ;a study on christian pilgrim centers in Kerala Sheeba Chandy Biju, T Commerce 2019
Exchange Rate Volatility And the Role of RBI Nimisha C Nair Vijayakumary, M.S Economics 2019
Exploration of Cu-catalyzed Carbon-Carbon and Carbon-heteroatom bond forming reactions for the synthesis of Thioethers and Heterocycles Anns Maria Thomas AnilKumar, G Chemistry 2019
Generalized Families of Distributions and their Applications Jisha Varghese Jose, K.K Statistics 2019
Geochemical signature and source characterization of trace elements in the coral reef sediments of Lakshadweep Archipelago Indian ocean Anu Joy Anu Gopinath Chemistry 2019
Geoenvironmental Evaluation of slide areas and modeling for locating slide prone areas in Thrissur District, Kerala. Manoj, A.K Sreekumar, S Environmental science 2019
Graphene/Phenol Formaldehyde Nanocomposites: Synthesis, Morphology and Properties Sandhya, P.K Padmanabhan, M , Co Guide Sabu Thomas Chemistry 2019
Human rights violation among tribal women in Kerala with special reference to Edamalakudy Priya Thomas Umadevi, S Political science 2019
Human security and ageing women in Kerala - a case study of Pathanamthitta Rigy Idiculla Seethi, K M International ralations 2019
Impact of MGNREGS in Kerala - special reference to rural asset creation Vineeth Mathew Jose K. Joseph Economics 2019
Influence of parenting behaviour on executive functions and academic achievement among adolescents of parents with schizophrenia Faisal, P. N Jayasree, P Education 2019
Linguistic steganography using Malayalam text Vidhya, P.M Varghese Paul Computer science 2019
Morphology and Properties of Poly (trimethylene terephthalate)/Polypropylene/Carbon Nanotube Blend Nanocomposites Ajitha, A.R Geethamma V.G, Co-Guide Sabu Thomas, Lovely Mathew, P Nano science 2019
Multiple versions of vigenere table in polyalphabetic substitution scheme Ranju S Kartha Varghese Paul Computer science 2020
Narratives of Repression Consumerism & Globalization in Contemporary Indian English fiction Sunitha, C.R Upot Sherine English language and literature 2019

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