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Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Title / Sections Scholar Guide Branch of Study Year
A design methodology for improving circuit performance and eliminating design issues of Linear and non-linear circuits Rohith Krishnan, R Krishnakumar, S Electronics 2020
Dalit christians in Mar thoma church in Kerala, defining social space Varughese K C Sanal Mohan, P Sociology 2022
Dalit land movements, media and citizenship in contemporary Kerala Shine P S P Sanal Mohan Journalism 2023
Dalith Adivasi prathinidhanam malayala cinimayil (ദളിത് ആദിവാസി പ്രതിനിധാനം മലയാള സിനിമയിൽ) Syama N B Philip John Malayalam language and literature 2023
Dalits of Syrian Catholic church in Keralam Johnson X Palakkappillil Alex, O J (Fr) Social work 2009
Data mining for web intelligence Rajimol, A Raju, G Computer science 2014
De-noising corrupted images applying discrete wavelet transform and shift-invariant wavelet transform using different wavelet families Tilak, T N Krishnakumar, S Electronics 2020
De/re constructing narratives: a study of counter discursive strategies in margaret atwood's the penelopiad and chitra divakaruni's the palace of illusions Anupa Rose Babu Joseph Sebastian English language and literature 2022
Decentralisation and local development- A study of Gramapanchayat institutions in Meenachil Taluk Noel Mathews Roy C. Mathew Political science 2015
Decentralisation and local governance: A study on the democratic performance of local governments in Kerala Remakanthan, N Ramakrishnan, A K International relations 2016
Decentralization and planning: Development intervention of LSGIs in Kerala Vipin Kumar R Rajan Kurukkal, P M Economics 2015
Decentralization of power at the panchayat level in Kerala and the Gandhian vision of Gram Swaraj - A study in historical perspective Johny P D Jose, P K History 1996
Decision making in criminal cases by trial courts - factors leading to prejudice: A functional study Kalam Pasha, B George Joseph Law 2014
Deep ecology as motif in Seamus Heaney and Vyloppillil Sreedhara Menon Jothikumari, V Krishnan, K M English literature 2007
Defects analysis in rare earth doped bifeo3 multiferroic system using positron annihilation spectroscopy Jincemon Cyriac Saji Augustine and Nambissan, P M G Physics 2022
Defense elicitation by plant probiotic Bacillus spp. against Fusarium wilt of tomato Karthika, S Jisha, M S 2021
Degradation and mineralization of organic pollutants in water by advanced oxidation process Sijumon V.A Aravindakumar T C Chemistry 2017
Degradation of Some Emerging Pollutants by Advanced Oxidation Process Misha T Elias 1. Usha, K and 2.Aravindakumar, C T Chemistry 2020
Delinquent behaviour in relation to psychiatric morbidity, intelligence and emotional intelligence – a study among inmates of juvenile homes, orphanages and children living with parents Ganga G. Kaimal Razeena Padmam, M. S, Co Guide Vidhukumar, K Behavioural science 2019
Democratic decentralised planning in Kerala-A study with reference to Ernakulam District Chithra, J Sankaranarayanan, K C Economics 2003
Demographic correlates of work motivation: A comparative study of the IT (Software) and non-IT industries of Kerala and Karnataka Bindu S Nair Mathew J Manimala Management studies 2012
Demographic dynamics and sustainable development: A study with special reference to Kerala Venugopal, R Mahajan P Mani Gandhian studies 2000
Demographic transition and issues of ageing in Kerala: a study with special reference to Pathanamthitta district Bipin Babu Antony, M T Economics 2020
Demographic transition and its implications on the ageing population in Kerala Georgi Neernal, J George, T M Development studies- economics 2014
Demographic transition in Kerala and its impact on economic development Laisa Thomas Ajith Kumar, N Economics 2007
Demystifying the feminine mystique: Woman in the post-independence Indian English drama Lakshmi Devi Menon Nithyanantha Bhat, V English literature 2007
Density functional theoretical simulations and vibrantional spectral investigations of biologically active molecules with phenyl ring Lynnette Joseph Jayakumari Isac,
Sajan, D
Physics 2016
Density functional theory and vibrational spectral investigations of organic nonlinear optical donor- acceptor structures Sreelaja, P V Ravikumar, C Physics 2020
Departures from Absurdism: A Study in Edward Albee's Later Plays Rose Mary Philip Mathew Joseph English language and literature 2021
Dermatoglyphic patterns evident in disability groups Jameela, T P Razeena Padmam, M S Behavioural science 2007

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