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Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Title / Sections Scholar Guide Branch of Study Year
Abandoned Muslim wives- Victims of early marriage Sindhu, C A Shally Joseph Sociology 2015
Abdul Bismillah ke upanyason mein samajik yatharth Litty Yohannan Mini George Hindi 2018
Absorption in the pulse profiles of accretion powered x-ray pulsars Jincy Devasia Indulekha, K,
Biswajit Paul
Physics 2014
Abun d - basmaya in the Syriac Tradition with particular reference to the 10th memra of Jacob of Serugh Siroli, Francesca Thomas Koonammakkal Syriac literature 2018
Acceptance and perception of e-governance among elected representatives of Local Bodies in Kannur District Sabu Thomas John, M S Political science 2013
Accomplishing Ploidy variation through Invitro techniques for Crop improvement Hevea Brasiliensis Divya, U K Sushama Kumari, S Biotechnology 2016
Accountability governance and disclosure in the nonprofit Sector narratives and practices Anil Kumar P K Harilakshmeendra Kumar, C R Social work/ social sciences 2022
Accounting policies and practices of local self-governments in Kerala Thejo Jose Thomas John, M,
Joseph, K X
Commerce 2012
Accumulation of heavy metals in selected Benthic organisms and Fishes of Vembanad Lake Ecosystem Jayasooryan, K K Ramasamy, E V Environmental sciences 2016
Achievement related motives in adolescents in relation to parental and familial variables, scholastic achievement and appraisal of personality attributes Shirly Rachel Kurian Indulekha, K V Home science 1996
Activation of Carboxyl groups in organic synthesis Joshy, C L Purushothaman, E Chemistry 1998
Activity based travel demand modelling integrating residential location Characteristics Krishnapriya, M G Soosan George, T Civil engineering 2020
Acyl Homoserine Lactone (AHL) based Quorum Sensing and its Biotechnological applications Merlin Antony Jayachandran, K Biotechnology 2017
Acyl Homoserine Lactone based Quorum Sensing in Gram Negative Bacteria Sheetal Sivankutty Jayachandran, K Biotechnology 2019
Adaptability, distribution status and phylogeny of selected venerid clams Ampili, M Shiny Sreedhar, K Environmental science (botany) 2016
Adaptation to diabetes- a sociological study of diabetic patients in kerala Suresh Babu P. Ramola B Joseph Sociology 2018
Adaptive Feature Point Based Three Dimensional Motion Estimation Sajikumar, S Anilkumar, A K Mathematics 2021
Adaptive techniques in genetic algorithm and its applications Rajan, K Anilkumar, A K Mathematics 2014
Adbhutapanjaram of Narayana Diksita: A critical study Ambika, C P Leelamani, K Sanskrit literature 1999
Adhikaram, Charithram, Samskaram, T D Ramakrishnante Novalukalil അധികാരം , ചരിത്രം , സംസ്കാരം T D രാമകൃഷ്ണന്റെ നോവലുകളിൽ Deepa, C K Rajesh Kumar, P S Malayalam language and literature 2022
Adhunika Malayala kavithayilenadodi vazhakkangal Ayyappapanikkar Kadammanitta ennee kavikalude kavithakale munnirthiyoru patanam (ആധുനികമലയാളകവിതയിലെ നാടോടിവഴക്കങ്ങൾ : അയ്യപ്പപ്പണിക്കർ, കടമ്മനിട്ട എന്നീ കവികളുടെ കവിതകളെ മുൻ നിർത്തിയൊരു പഠനം) Philamin, K I Viswanathan Nair, K N Malayalam language and literature 2021
Adjustment and its correlates in old age: A study in relation to living arrangement Jacob Cherian Kumar, K A,
Elsheba Mathew
Behavioural science 2000
Administrative and Commercial Reforms of Dewan Raja Kesava Dasan in Travancore State Sundaresan, P K Baby Joseph Commerce 2021
Administrative leadership potential: A study on the Taxes Department of Government of Kerala Biju, M G Ramalingam, N Commerce 2004
Adolescents in contemporary Kerala family: Issues and challenges Maries, V L Shally Joseph Sociology 2014
Adolescents' creativity: A study with reference to the self-concept and achievement motivation Jose Antony Varghese K Varghese Social work 2002
Adunikakavithyum puthukavithayum oru tharathamya padanam (അധുനിക കവിതയും പുതുകവിതയും ഒരു താരതമ്യ പഠനം) Bins M Mathew (ബിൻസ് എം മാത്യു) Babu Sebastian (ബാബു സെബാസ്റ്റ്യൻ) Malayalam language 2015
Advaita and new science Harish, D Girishkumar, T S Philosophy 2014
Advertising in Kerala - Its influence on select consumer non-durables Gopakumar, K C Ramesh, B Social science 2004
Aeromycoflora in urban zones of Pathanamthitta district Swapna S Neeta N Nair Botany 2022

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