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Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Title / Sections Scholar Guide Branch of Study Year
Ecology of Mangrove Creeks in Chirackal and Kattiparambu of Ernakulam District, Kerala Sofia, S Merlee Teresa, M.V Botany 2019
Phytochemical evaluation and host relationships of Helicanthes elastica (Desr.) Danser Ajith Kumar, T.G Lizzy Mathew Botany 2019
A comparative study of the root and other biochemical characteristics towards salinity tolerance in two high yielding varieties of Rice Anniamma Thomas Ray, J G Botany 2005
A comprehensive investigation into some selected species of Sida Linn with reference to their substitutes and adulterants Lissy, K P Thara K Simon% Latha, M S Botany 2005
A comprehensive investigation on Polygalaceae Lizzy Mathew Merlee Teresa, M V (Sr) Botany 2003
A Comprehensive Study on Taxonomy and Evaluation of fodder value of the Genus ischaemum L. (Poaceae) in Kerala Nithya Madhanan, V Sunil, C N Botany 2022
A study of the vegetative and reproductive features of the Podostemaceae of Kerala rivers Satheesh, V K Joyce Mathew, C Botany 1997
A study on germination, growth and metabolism of Cassia Sophera L. and on the rooting of Spilanthes ciliata H.B.K.: Two medicinal plants George Thomas Abraham, P G Botany 1994
A study on the impact of Cottage industry effluents on Phytoplankton Bindu Alex Merlee Teresa, M V (Sr) Botany 2006
A study on the Mangroves of certain selected areas of Cochin Elsie Ouseph Padikkala Avita (Sr) Botany 2003
A study on the mineral nutrition and biochemistry of some Freshwater Phytoplankters Rekha, K Merlee Teresa, M V (Sr) Botany 2004
Aeromycoflora in urban zones of Pathanamthitta district Swapna S Neeta N Nair Botany 2022
Algal and fungal associates of velamen roots in some tropical orchids Deepthi, A.S Ray,J.G Botany 2020
An ethnobotanical study of the tracts of forests in Idukki District Saju Abraham Avita (Sr) Botany 2005
An investigation into the in vitro response of selected Cycads Dominic, V J Joy P Joseph Botany 2003
An investigation on the freshwater Algal flora of Idukki District Jose John Francis, M S Botany 2008
Anatomical and molecular profîling of selected species of clusiaceae and calophyllaceae in the Western Ghats of Kerala Priya C Hari N Botany 2023
Anatomical, Palynological, Phytochemical and Molecular Profiling of Selected True Mangrove Species in Kerala Surya Sukumaran Hari, N Botany 2019
Angiosperm species diversity and ecology of wetlands of Thrissur district, Kerala Remya Krishnan C R Baiju E.C. Botany 2023
Antifungal activity guided phytochemical analysis of a few selected species of annonaceae Alka E Varghese Antony V T Botany 2017
Antiinflammatory studies in Litsea quinqueflora Dennst Suresh SuminMary Jose Anilkumar, M Botany 2022
Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Oryza sativa L.-VTL and Local cultivars of Pokkali Rice using SSR Markers Jithin Thomas Dominic, V J Botany 2017
Association of microflora with Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) and their beneficial roles Manju Philip Kuruvilla Jacob Botany 2013
Autecological studies on the river Mangrove Aegiceras corniculatum (L) blanco in Kerala Jayakrishnan, G Francis, M S Botany 2014
Autecology and reproductive biology of the family of Podostemaceae in Kerala Geetha, K Thara K Simon Botany 2004
Bioactivities, genetic analysis and conservation of Pittosporum Dasycaulon Miq.(Pittosporaceae) from the Western Ghats Bince Mani Dennis Thomas, T Botany 2016
Biochemical characterization and pharmacognostic analysis of selected members of South Indian Phytolaccaceae Elsam Joseph Avita (Sr) Botany 2010
Biochemical characterization of the grains of graminaceous weeds Philo, T J Francis, M S Botany 2010
Biodiversity and conservation of Plumbago Linn of Ranni Range, Pathanamthitta District, Kerala Asha Saji Antony, V T Botany 2017
Biosystematics and Phytopharmacological studies on selected species of Amaranthus L. Pinkie Cherian Sheela , D Botany 2019

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