Query: 3691-3720 of 4252 Results
Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Scholar Title / Sections Branch of Study Guide Year
Stephen Joseph Molecular characterization of phosphate solubilizing Gluconacetobacter sp. and Burkholderia sp. isolated from rhizosphere soil of Kerala Microbiology Jisha, M S 2010
Stuckey Devapatham, A A study on muscular dystrophy patients, their emotional and social problems, personal and social functioning, coping strategies and social support networks Social work Udaya Mahadevan 1997
Subair, K.A Social security and labour welfare with special reference to head load workers in Kerala Commerce Dileepkumar,M.C 2018
Subash Gopi Luminescence kinetics and spectroscopic characterization of Dy3+/Tb3+/Eu3+ doped alkali fluoroborate glasses Physics Cyriac Joseph and Biju, P R 2020
Subash, T The role of District Tourism Promotion Councils in the promotion of tourism in Kerala Commerce Vasanthagopal, R 2013
Subashchandran, K P Synthesis of Neurotensin Peptide analogues on Hydrophilic Polymer supports Chemistry Rajasekharan Pillai, V N 2003
Subha Sasi Water quality evaluation of a backwater canal: Screening of micro-pollutants and their possible treatment protocols. Environmental sciences Usha K 2017
Subha V Nair Solid phase synthesis of partial sequences of Rubber elongation factor Protein on Hexanediol Diacrylate-crosslinked Polystyrene support Chemistry Beena Mathew 2000
Subha, P P The Cost of Type 2 Diabetes Among Casual Workers in Malappuram District, Kerala Economics Roy Scaria 2021
Subhadra Devi, P K Behaviour of ionosphere and its interaction with solar-magnetosphere system Physics Unnikrishnan, K 2014
Subhadra, K T Medicinal & Placebo effects of homeopathic remedies- A study on patients with somatoform low back pain and patients with pathological low back pain Behavioural medicine Razeena Padmam, M S 2016
Subhadra, M R The economics of mixed farming in Kerala Economics Suresh, K A 2007
Subhash Chandra Physical Activity and Dietary Behaviours of Primary and High School Children of Uttar Pradesh Physical education Binu George Varghese 2020
Subhash, P D Gender differences in free play references of Pre-school children in select cultural settings of Kerala Education Suresh, K P 2007
Subhashree, S Development of Plant Based Probiotic Nutritional Supplement to Enhance Gut Probiotic Microflora Home science Kavitha, M S 2021
Subhassh C Kurup Epic vision in Milton and Aurobindo: A study based on Paradise Lost and Savitri English literature Philips Wadakekalam, W T (Rev) 2004
Subi Joseph Carbon Nitride based composites for the remediation of environmental pollutants Chemistry Beena Mathew 2020
Subin Jose, K Gothrajeevithavum paristhithikavabodhavum P Valsalayuteyum Narayanteyum kathakale atisthanamakkiyulla patanam. (ഗോത്രജീവിതവും പരിസ്ഥിതികാവബോധവും പി വത്സലയുടെയും നാരായന്റെയും കഥകളെ അടിസ്ഥാനമാക്കിയുള്ള പഠനം) Malayalam language and literature Rejikumar, D 2021
Subin K Jose Geospatial characterization and conservation potential for Agasthyamala Biosphere Reserve, Western ghats, India Environmental science Madhu, G 2012
Subin P John Characterization of mixed MgxZn1-x Fe2O4 ferrite nanoparticles synthesized using sol gel auto combustion method Physics Jacob Mathew M, . 2022
Subrahmanyan, P T Metaphysical and Ethical Dimensions of Christ Experience in the writings of Swamy Vivekananda and Mahatma Gandhi- A critical analysis Philosophy Radakrishnan, K S 2016
Suby Baby Performance of public and private sector banks in Kerala – A comparative analysis Commerce Vasanthagopal, R 2011
Suby Elizabeth Oommen Performance of Primary Health Care System in Kerala-A Study with reference to Primary Health Centres in Pathanamthitta District. Economics K.Sunny 2018
Sudarslal, S Biophysical and biochemical studies on L-Asparaginase Biophysics Haridas, M,
Muraleedhara Kurup, G
Sudha Sarma, V (सुधा शर्मा, वी) कबीर की रचनाओं का विश्लेषणात्मक अध्ययन समाज सुधारक के विशेष संदर्भ में (An analytical study of the poetical works of Kabir with special reference to social reformation) Hindi literature Cherian George (चेरियान जाँर्ज) 1994
Sudha, E K Hastalaksanadipika: A critical edition and study Sanskrit literature Sukumaran, C 2004
Sudha, K S Study of anticancer activities of selected medicinal plants from Dasamoola and their comparison with micropropagated plants Biochemistry Jose Padikkala 2012
Sudhakaran, C B Text as praxis: A study of Fredric Jameson's critique of postmodernism English literature Raveendran, P P 2002
Sudhakaran, K Role of dispute settlement body in relation to world trade in the WTO set-up Law Sukumari Antherjanam, D 2015
Sudhakaran, K V Polymeric solid-phase reagents for organic synthesis Chemistry Rajasekharan Pillai, V N 1992

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