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Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Scholar Title / Sections Branch of Study Guide Year
P. Rohinikrishna An octapace profiling approach to organizational culture and its impact on employee engagement of it industry in Kerala Commerce Gangadhathan Nair D. 2022
Padma Priya, P V Validation of a learning package based on metacognitive process for enhancing metacognitive skills and achievement in Biology at Secondary level Education Celine Pereira 2013
Padma, P Sustainable consumption for sustainable development: the Gandhian paradigm in the context of Kerala development Enviromental and atmospheric sciences Muralivallabhan, T V 2021
Padmanabhan, A The fictional world of Manohar Malgonkar English literature Ravindran Nambiar, C 2000
Padmanabhan, C Worlding Malabar: The Politics of Representation in William Logan’s Malabar English literature Gopalakrishnan Nair, N 2016
Pankajam, K Impact of automobile pollution on pulmonary functions and antioxidants in man Bioscience Shankar Shashidhar 2004
Parvana, R Suryabala ke katha sahithya ka samajshastriya adhyayan Hindi literature Mini George 2022
Parvathy Mohan A study on impact of responsible tourism in Kerala Commerce Gireesh Kumar, G S 2022
Parvathy Nair Imaging diasporic communities a study of select women's fiction English language and literature Anitha, R 2022
Parvathy Radhakrishnan Study on photonic properties of one dimensional nano-structures Physics Sajeev U.S 2023
Parvathy Sunaina Inequalities in maternal health care in Kerala Economics Muraleedharan, S 2018
Parvathy, A R Investigations on microstrip fed slot antennas and enhancement of radiation characteristics with metasurface loading for wireless communication applications Electronics Thomaskutty Mathew 2020
Parvathy, N Laser plasma induced green synthesis of nano hybrids and nanocomposites for multifunctional applications Physics Nandakumar, K 2021
Parvathy, S Financial liberalisation credit market and rural indebtedness: a study with special reference to agricultural households in Kerala Economics Jose V.T 2019
Paul Cornelius A study of Indian textile exports with special reference to eco-friendly aspects Economics Ajith Kumar, N 2006
Paul Jose, P An evaluation of SHG bank linkage programme in Kerala. Commerce Vasanthakumari, P 2018
Paul M J Manickathan Karyomorphometrical analysis and exploration of major chemical constituents in Dioscoreaceae Botany Joseph Jose 2009
Paul V Varghese (പോള്‍ വി വര്‍ഗീസ്) കുഞ്ഞുണ്ണി സാഹിത്യത്തിലെ നാടോടി പാരമ്പര്യം (Folklore tradition in Kunjhunni's literature) Malayalam literature Gopinathan, A (ഗോപിനാഥന്‍, ഏ) 2009
Paul, C J Segmented Block copolymers based on liquid Natural rubber and Polyurethanes derived from various Diols Chemistry Gopinathan Nair, M R 1997
Pauline D' Cunha A Study on Organisational Climate in the Hospital Set-Up Social work Alex O J (Fr.) 2000
Paulose, P I Luminescence studies of certain Doped Phosphors and Glassy materials Physics Unnikrishnan, N V 2003
PauloseThomas A study on the structural optical and electrical properties of selected metal oxide nanostructures Physics Abraham K E 2017
Paulson Mathew Development of novel approaches towards synthesis of substituted Pyrroles and their applications in the total synthesis of some Pyrrole containing natural products Chemistry Asokan, C V 2005
Paulson, N A (പോള്‍സണ്‍, എന്‍ എ) ബൈബിള്‍ സ്വാധീനത മലയാളനോവലില്‍ (Influence of the Holy Bible on Malayalam novel) Malayalam literature Samuel Chandanappally (സാമുവല്‍ ചന്ദനപ്പള്ളി) 1995
Pearly Antony O Impact of development projects on the labour mobility of fishermen in Goshree islands Economics Helan A.P 2019
Pearly P. John Some applications of intuitionistic fuzzy sets in module theory Mathematics Paul Isaac 2015
Peeyus Kutty, K J Ecology and behaviour of Grey jungle fowl Gallus sonnerattii Zoology Zacharias, V J 2009
Peter, K T Problems and prospects of stock-broking in Kerala Commerce Sundaresan, P K 2002
Phebe Joseph Carbon sequestration potential of major land use systems in the western ghats with special reference to rubber Hevea brasiliensis Muell Arg Environmental science and atmospheric science Mahesh Mohan 2021
Philamin, K I Adhunika Malayala kavithayilenadodi vazhakkangal Ayyappapanikkar Kadammanitta ennee kavikalude kavithakale munnirthiyoru patanam (ആധുനികമലയാളകവിതയിലെ നാടോടിവഴക്കങ്ങൾ : അയ്യപ്പപ്പണിക്കർ, കടമ്മനിട്ട എന്നീ കവികളുടെ കവിതകളെ മുൻ നിർത്തിയൊരു പഠനം) Malayalam language and literature Viswanathan Nair, K N 2021

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