Query: 3721-3750 of 4252 Results
Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Scholar Title / Sections Branch of Study Guide Year
Sudhakaran, M N People’s campaign for planning in Kerala - A study of the participatory methodology of planning and implementation International relations Harilal, K N 2006
Sudhakumari, B Dynamics of Zinc in rubber growing soils Chemistry Mercykutty Joseph 2010
Sudharmini, S A study of the mosquito profile in the areas of Japanese Encephalitis virus activity with reference to selected districts in Kerala State Zoology Thomas T Valamparampil 2010
Sudheer Mohammed, M M Studies on the relation of Nicotine to Lung cancer Biochemistry Latha, M S 2001
Sudheeran, T S Post retirement career life of retired government employees in Kerala: A sociological analysis Sociology Sandhya, R S 2016
Sudheesh Kumar, K A study of financial management practices of public and private sector companies in Kerala Commerce A.M.Viswambharan 2020
Sudheesh S Relationship marketing strategy and its impact on customer behaviour of public and private sector banks in Kerala Commerce Harikumar, P N 2020
Sudheesh, N Studies on the effect of a medicinal mushroom, Ganoderma lucidum on cellular energy status under oxidative stress Biochemistry Janardhanan, K K 2012
Sudhikumar, A V Studies on the taxonomy and bionomics of some predacious Spiders on insect pests of Rice agroecosystem in Kuttanad, Kerala Zoology Sebastian, P A 2008
Suhaib, V P Reasons of the Variations in the Quranic Interpretations with special reference on the impact of linguistic discussions in the Variations of interpretations Arabic Aboobacker, A 2020
Suhruth Kumar A Local self government authorities a critique Law Parameswaran K 2017
Suja Beegum, S Socio-economic condition of inland Fisherman - A case study of Kerala Economics Sunny, K A 2007
Suja Chacko ദില്ലി-നഗരവും അധികാരവും മലയാളനോവലുകളിൽ ( ഓ.വി വിജയൻ, വി.കെ എൻ ,എം.മുകുന്ദൻ ,ആനന്ദ് എന്നിവരുടെ കൃതികളെ ആധാരമാക്കിയുള്ള പഠനം ) Malayalam lanuage and literature Jose Parakadavil 2019
Suja Eapen Mathematical Modelling of Ionospheric Parameters Mathematics Anilkumar, C V 2016
Suja Mathews Studies on Bacteriocins Zoology Susan Panicker 2017
Suja Mathews Conduct disorder therapy protocol : An intervention study Behavioural science Jayan C 2017
SUJA P K Health insurance penetration in Kerala a customer centric analysis Commerce Bino Joy 2022
Suja Philip Studies on Coagulase negative Staphylococci Microbiology Jyothis Mathew 2013
Suja, K.V Kerala samskrita kavyeshu krishna sankalpah Sanskrit literature Unnikrishnan, M.P 2018
Suja, S Relationship among Entrepreneurial Skills, Social Intelligence and Vocational Aspirations of Commerce Students at Undergraduate Level Education Thulasidharan, T V 2021
Suja,T V Refrains of the earth-woman interface: poems of Alice Walker and Sugathakumari- A glocal perspective English literature Varughese C. Abraham 2017
Sujarani Mathew Imaging African womanhood: A womanist reading of selected works of Buchi Emecheta English literature Mathew Joseph 2011
Sujatha Kumari, K Some problems on Grammar Systems Mathematics Dersanambika, K S 2016
Sujatha, K A study about DWCRA and the economic participation of women and children in Kerala Commerce Ramesh, B 2006
Sujatha, K The political and personal facets of motherhood in the works of Fay Weldon English literature Koshy, G 2008
Sujatha, M Health tourism with reference to Kalari Commerce Jose, K G 2015
Sujatha, N V Non-linear phenomena and pattern formation in one dimensional maps Physics Ambika, G 2005
Sujatha, S The quest for cultural identity: Post-colonialist impulses in Amitav Ghosh’s novels English literature Gopinathan Pillai, C 2005
Sujatha, S Studies on the potentials of earthworm species as bioremediating and biological control agents Environmental science Ramasamy, E V 2014
Sujeesh, C K Reconstructing the political unconscious - A reading of the plays of Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller English literature Raveendran, P P 2010

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