Query: 3361-3390 of 4252 Results
Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Scholar Title / Sections Branch of Study Guide Year
Sherly Alex Efficacy of Holistic Interventional Strategy on Rehabilitation of Stroke Survivors Rehabilitation nursing Jayan, C 2019
Sherly Annie Oommen Impact of bacterial stress on two fresh water fishes: A study to elucidate the effect of bacterial pollution in Pamba River Environmental science Thomas, A P 2009
Sherly Joseph Comparative study of the behaviour pattern of the children with Attention deficit hyperactive syndrome and without Attention deficit hyperactive syndrome Home science Indulekha, K V 2004
Sherly Kurian (ഷേര്‍ലി കുര്യന്‍) മലയാളത്തിലെ യാത്രാകാവ്യങ്ങള്‍: ഒരു പഠനം (Travelogue poems in Malayalam: A study) Malayalam literature Mathew, T V (മാത്യു, റ്റി വി) 2000
Sherly P Anand Studies on the biology of Pristolepis malabaricus (Perciformes: Teleostei) Zoology John, K C 1994
Sherly Philip Effectiveness of cognitive apprenticeship model on select cognitive and affective variables among secondary school students Education Sajna Jaleel 2018
Sherly, M D A comparative study of the spiritual and philosophic vision in the poems of Auden and Gokak English literature Joseph Kachapilly 2006
Shery Fernandez A study of Fuzzy G-modules Mathematics Souriar Sebastian 2005
Shibi Kiran, M Social media as a foreign policy Tool : a study focused on U S - Iran relations Political scienc Mary Senterla P S 2022
Shibi, A V (षिबी, ए वी) लक्ष्मीनारायण मिश्र और एन कृष्णपिल्लै के समस्या नाटकों का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन (Lakshmi Narayan Mishra aur N Krishna Pillai ke samasya natakom ka tulanatmak adhyayan) Hindi literature James George (जेंस जाँर्ज) 2014
Shibi, K P S Representation of Gender and Sexuality in Select Indian English Films English language and literature Biju, C S 2020
Shibin N.B Free radical chemistry of polyaromatic acids and chloropurine: pulse radiolysis and mass spectrometric studies Chemistry G.Pramod Co-Guide C.T. Aravindakumar 2018
Shibu M George Sustainable development and energy security: a comparative study of India and China International relations and politics C.Vinodan 2022
Shibu P V Man, martyr, hero; desire and the subject: a study of the novels of Kazantzakis English literature Varghese C Abraham 2017
Shibu Puthenparambil An interventional study on substance abuse among higher secondary school students in relation to personality and mental health Behavioural science Baburaj, P.T 2018
Shibu Simon Analysis of selected stylistic concepts and the method of their application in teaching literature in under-graduate classes in India English literature Joseph Kachapilly 2000
Shibu, V P A study on social and emotional reactions of Care-givers of elderly Demented persons Social work Celine K Scaria 2006
Shibumon George Medicinal properties of common fruits Biochemistry Benny, P J 2011
Shiby Susan Kuriakose Design of crosslinked polymer based biosorbents for the removal of toxic metal ions from simulated waste water Chemistry Beena Mathew 2014
Shiela Elizabeth Abraham Violence and Black females in the novels of Toni Morrison, Alice Walker and Gloria Naylor English literature Thomas, C C 2008
Shija Grace (श्रीजा ग्रेस) कमलेश्वर का रचना संसार (Kamleshwar Ka Rachna Sansar) Hindi literature Georgekutty, V V (जाँर्जकुट्टी, वी वी) 2015
Shiji Krishnan Multifunctional studies on pure and Fe modified Yttrium chromite nanosystems Physics Nandakumar, K 2014
Shiji Mathew Antimicrobial Effects of Nanoparticle conjugates Bioscience Radhakrishnan, E.K 2019
Shiji, K An evaluation of the performance of MGNREGA and its impact on marginalised sections - a study of inclusiveness of MGNREGA in Kerala Economics Muraleedharan, S 2022
Shijo Joseph Geospatial characterisation of compositional and functional attributes of tropical forest in Anamalai Hills, Western Ghats, India Environmental science Thomas, A P 2010
Shiju C R Total quality management in higher education with special reference to major universities in Kerala Commerce M. C. Dileepkumar 2022
Shiju, K K Determinants of burnout among HIV/AIDS counsellors in Kerala Development studies Sabukuttan, K 2020
Shijumon K.J A comparative study of watershed projects under western ghat development programme implemented by gramapanchayats and nongovernmental organisations (NGO) in Kerala Commerce J. Nalini 2019
Shika Ramesh Economics of electronic waste management in Kerala: a case study of urban continuum in and around Kochi city Economics Muraleedharan, S 2022
Shila Pappoo (षैला पाप्पू) नरेश मेहता का काव्य: एक अध्ययन (A study of the poetic works of Naresh Mehta) Hindi literature Velayudhan, K K (वेलायुधन, के के) 2003

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