Query: 3301-3330 of 4252 Results
Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Scholar Title / Sections Branch of Study Guide Year
Sharmila, N S A comparative study of sabda vyaparas according to naiyayikas, mimamsakas and vaiyakaranas Sanskrit language Ramaswamy Iyenkar, A 2011
Sharon Susan Jacob Development Of Intelligent Methods For Sentiment Analysis Over Unstructured Bigdata Computer science Vijayakumar, R 2021
Sharona K.P Infertility related stress and the coping strategies adopted by women Social science K.Sabukuttan Co-Guide Sreepriya C.K 2019
Sharrel Rebello Molecular characterisation of plasmid encoded sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) degradation by pseudomonas aeruginosa S15: Biosurfactant as a contributory factor in remediation Microbiology Jisha, M S 2014
Shashikala Namboothiry (शशिकला नम्बूतिरी) नयी कहानी पर प्रेमचन्द का प्रभाव (Nai kahani par Premchand ka prabhav) Hindi literature Vijayan Nampoothiri, T P (विजयन नम्बूतिरी, टी पी) 1995
Sheba, K U Predicting breast cancer using data mining and soft computing techniques Computer science Gladston Raj, S 2019
Sheeba Abraham Changing land use pattern in Kerala: a study with special reference to paddy fields. Economics Mathew Kurian V 2018
Sheeba Chandy Ethical sustainability of tourism Industry ;a study on christian pilgrim centers in Kerala Commerce Biju, T 2019
Sheeba Jasmin, T S Phyo-chemical evaluation and Anticancer studies of some selected Medicinal plants Pharmacy Aleykutty, N A 2016
Sheeba Joseph A comparative study on the service quality of the public and private sector banks in Kerala Commerce Harikumar, P N 2021
Sheeba K Oommen Elephantopus scaber Linn – A traditional medicinal plant as a hepatoprotectant Biochemistry Latha, M S 2014
Sheeba K. John (ഷീബ കെ ജോൺ) ദളിത് ജീവിത ചിത്രീകരണം മലയാള നോവലുകളിൽ ( തകഴി, വത്സല, എസ്. ഇ. ജയിംസ്, നാരായൺ എന്നിവരുടെ നോവലുകളിൽ) Dalit Jeevitha Chithreekaranam Malayala Novelukalil ( Thakazhy, Valsala, S. E. James, Narayan Ennivarude Novalukalil Malayalam literature Saramma, K (സാറാമ്മ, കെ) 2016
Sheeba Krishnan Development of a multimedia package for students at primary level with dyslexia Education Celine Pereira 2013
Sheeba N H Transparent ZnO Thin Films: Deposition, Characterization, Doping Effect and Gas Sensitivity Physics Rachel Reena Philip 2018
Sheeba V. Issac The Hybridity of Afro-American Identity in the Poetry of Gwendolyn Brooks - A Redefinition English language and literature Dr. Mathew Joseph 2020
Sheeba Varghese Effect of diet and lifestyle on coronary artery disease Physiology Mukkadan, J K 2001
Sheeba, A.C Bible Idioms and Proverbs in Malayalam- A Linguistic Analysis ബൈബിള്ശൈലികളും ചൊല്ലുകളും മലയാളത്തി‍ല്‍- ഭാഷാശാസ്ത്ര വിശകലനം Malayalam literature Sibu, M.Eapen 2018
Sheeba, S Certain aspects of the ecology of the Ithikkara river Zoology Ramanujan, N 2001
Sheeba, V T Bottled water industry in Kerala: Economic and environmental impacts Economics Tessy Kurian 2011
Sheeja Gopinath പടയണി -കടമ്മനിട്ട കവിതയിൽ Malayalam lanuage and literature Revikumar, B 2019
Sheeja Kuriyakose Linguistic reorganisation of states in India safeguards and issues of Tamil linguistic minorities in Palakkad district Political science Stany Thomas 2018
Sheeja Mathai Development and displacement in Kerala: a study on the displaced people in Nedumbassery Political science Venugopal B. Menon 2022
Sheeja Remani B Karalam Psychosocial well-being of adolescent girls: An intervention study Social work Mary Venus, C J 2011
Sheeja T Tharakan Study on the use of traditional drugs in human immunodeficiency virus infection and AIDS Biochemistry Ramadasan Kuttan 2009
Sheeja T.K Study of rough sets and application to information theory Mathematics Sunny Kuriakose A 2019
Sheeja, K A study of antimetastatic, antiangiogenic and immunomodulatory activity of the plant Andrographis paniculata Immunology Girija Kuttan 2008
Sheeja, K (षीजा, के) महादेवी की कविता का दार्शनिक स्रोत : एक विवेचनात्मक अध्ययन (An analytical study of the philosophical source in the poetry of Mahadevi) Hindi literature Rajan, C S (राजन, सी एस) 1999
Sheeja, P V Chandrakanta Ke Upanyason Mein Samajik Chetana (चंद्रकांता के उपन्यासों में सामाजिक चेतना) Hindi language and literature Praneetha, P 2021
Sheela Chacko Polymer supported synthesis of Novel mixed Ligand complexes Chemistry Padmanabhan, M 1999
Sheela Gopal M Green synthesis and sensor applications of indolizine and cyclazine derivatives Chemistry Anitha I 2017

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