Query: 3421-3450 of 4231 Results
Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Title / Sections Scholar Guide Branch of Study Year
The effect of laughter Yoga on selected psycho physiological variables among the elderly clients residing in the old age homes of Kottayam District Beena Mathew Dr Sr. Mary Lucita (Dr Agasa, K S) Psychology 2015
The effect of literacy – Rich approach in the language development of children with mental retardation Mary, P V Sukumaran, P S Special education 2011
The effect of natural products on Chemical Carcinogenesis Rajesh Kumar, N V Ramadasan Kuttan Biochemistry 2002
The effect of student-centered counselling on the low-achievers in secondary schools Therese Koottiyaniyil (Sr) Kumar, K A Behavioural science 1996
The effect of tourism on quality of life in Kerala Anumol K.A P.S. Mohanakumar Economics 2019
The effectiveness of stress management programme on Cardiac surgical patients Alice P Mathew Razeena Padmam, M S Behavioural science 2003
The effects of total quality management practices on key business performance indicators in ISO certified large-scale manufacturing firms in Kerala by developing and validating TQM self- assessment instrument- TOtQual Shafeer PS Antony Thomas Commerce 2019
The efficacy of a package programme for the management of stuttering Mohandas, M Razeena Padmam, M S Psychology 2001
The emergence of women as the protagonist in Shashi Deshpande’s fiction Bose, R Gopalakrishnan Nair, N English literature 2014
The enigma of life as subject and strategy in Pinter: A study of selected plays Mini, V S Varghese John English literature 2016
The epic as popular culture: a study of Ashok K. Banker's Ramayana series Jyothi S H Sadasivan Pillai English language and literature 2022
The Etiology of Female Infraction in India: Legal and Human Rights Issues Roopa, C S Giri Sankar, S S Law 2021
The ever-becoming 'time' in the 'frame-breaking' texts (contexts) of postmodern American fiction Sree, S V Radhakrishnan Nair, D English literature 2007
The expatriate family in the poems of the Indian diaspora in Canada: A thematic study of select women poets Renju, D Annie Margaret, P English literature 2010
The extent of professionalism in Catholic Diocesan social service societies in Kerala Boby Augustin Roy C Mathew Gandhian studies 2022
The Female Body as the Collateral Pawn: A Study in Select Partition Novels Simi Hyder Ali Latha Nair, R English language and literature 2021
The female phase in the selected novels of Anita Nair, Lalithambika Antharjanam and Arundhati Roy Rajashree R Elizabeth Abraham English literature 2017
The female psyche in the novels of Eudora Welty Marykutty Zacharias Thomas, T V English literature 2001
The fictional nation and national fictions : a study of the select novels of O.V. Vijayan, Shashi Tharoor and Arundhati Roy Roshni S Varughese C Abraham English language and literature 2022
The fictional world of Manohar Malgonkar Padmanabhan, A Ravindran Nambiar, C English literature 2000
The Gandhian methods of conflict resolution: A study of its application against communalism Ajis Ben Mathews Joseph, T M Gandhian studies 2009
The gas-phase rearrangements of protonated styryl ketones catalyzed by methoxy group: an esi mass spectrometric investigation June Cyriac George M Chemistry 2017
The genetic regulation of programmed cell death in squamous cell Carcinoma: Effects on tumour progression and response to radiotherapy Ravi, D Ramachandra Panikkar, K Biochemistry 2001
The global climate change regime and fairness in international environmental law: Indian experience Vishnu Konoorayar, K Girish Kumar, R International relations 2013
The great Afghan tragedy: a study of Khaled Hosseini's and Nadeem Aslam's fictional works Rosemol P T.T. Thomas English language and literature 2019
The Greenhouse Eden: Symbolic figuration in the poetry of Theodore Roethke Keralavarma, B Mathew Joseph English literature 2001
The healer and the healed: an exploration into the analyst- analysand patterning in Doris Lessing’s self representational novels and autobiographies Sajeesh, S Koshy, G English literature 2015
The health status of BPL families in Kerala in the era of economic reforms: Utilization of health care, problems of access and cost burden Mathew J Mattam Michael, T T Economics 2016
The history of the Assyrian Church of the East in the twentieth century: With special reference to the Syriac literature in Kerala Mar Aprem Jacob Thekeparambil (Fr) Syriac literature 2002
The Hybridity of Afro-American Identity in the Poetry of Gwendolyn Brooks - A Redefinition Sheeba V. Issac Dr. Mathew Joseph English language and literature 2020

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