Query: 3331-3360 of 4080 Results
Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Title / Sections Scholar Guide Branch of Study Year
The impact of microfinance on poverty in Kerala Biju, K C Mohanakumar, P S Economics 2012
The impact of migration on the left behind elderly in Kerala Febin Kurian Francis Raju, K V Economics 2022
The impact of self help groups in the empowerment of women in Kerala Francis M C Ajith Kumar, N Economics 2022
The impact of service quality on customer satisfaction and patronage intentions: a study on selected public and private sector commercial banks in Kerala Uvais, M Sulaiman, E Management science 2019
The impact of socio cultural and political changes on the economic performance of Kerala economy a study with special reference to Kuttanad region Anish Mathew Baby Thomas Economics 2019
The impact of television on children: Socialization in family as a mediating factor Varghese Nellissery, P Bernd Pflug Gandhian studies 2003
The impact of the Press on the political developments of Kerala (1957-59) Mathew, Y Maharajan, M History 2000
The impact of Vedanta on the integral Yoga of Maharshi Aurobindo Bendas, D S Girishkumar, T S Philosophy 2016
The implications of the concepts of individuality and synthesis in the poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins: An appraisal Antony, V S Nithyanantha Bhat, V English literature 1995
The inclusiveness of metaphysics of mysticism in the Advaitism of Sri Aurobindo - A methodological analysis Martin Sebastian Radhakrishnan, K S Philosophy 2007
The industrial relations machinery in public sector banks in Kerala Joseph Sam Antony Thomas Commerce 2021
The influence of bank amalgamation on employees’ and customers’ satisfaction: a case study of HDFC banks in Kerala Jincy Joseph, K Ajith Kumar, N Economics 2020
The influence of customer-based brand equity on buying behaviour – A study with special reference to convenience goods in Kerala Sibichan Joseph Siby Zacharias Management studies 2017
The Influence of Negatively Charged Heavier Ions on Some Plasma Waves in a Cometary Plasma Sreekala, G Venugopal, C Physics 2017
The influence of the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi on the foreign policy of India: A study Raveendran, K Mahajan P Mani Gandhian studies 1996
The interoperability framework for integration of e- governance services based on semantics in Indian perspective Anu Paul Varghese Paul Computer science 2017
The investigative machinery in the accusatorial system- Problems and perspectives John, P C Soman, N S Law 2010
The judiciary and Higher Education: A study with reference to self financing professional colleges in Kerala Vijesh, T P Girish Kumar, R International relations 2015
The labyrinth of dissonance: Islam and women in Kerala Sherin, B S Harris, V C English literature 2012
The Landscape and the Mindscape : A Study of the Textuality of Spaces in Selected Fiction of Paulo Coelho Gem Cherian Elizabeth Samson English language and literature 2020
The Mahabharata : A Trajectory of Political Permutations Sini, K S Vijayamohanan, J English language and literature 2021
The Mahatma and the narrative of the multitude a study of select Indian fictional works. Binuja Joseph Varghese C Abraham English literature 2017
The Mahatma and the narrative of the multitude: a study of select Indian fictional works. Binuja Joseph Varghese C Abraham English literature 2017
The mapping of space and the aesthetics of waste an inquiry into T S Eliots poetry TEENA T ELIZABETH Koshy, G English language and literature 2022
The new self-concept of Indian woman emerging from the novels of Anita Desai Latha Nair, R Chacko, P M English literature 2001
The orient and the occident in recent Indian English novels: A study of the inscrutable Americans, making the Minister Smile, Fasting, Feasting, The Romantics: A novel and chains Asok, A R Krishnan, K M English literature 2016
The origin and nature of coronal mass ejections Lusamma Joseph Kurian, P J Physics 2015
The pathogenic bacteria in the gut of Periplanata americana with special reference to Listeria species Shini Zacharia Jyothis Mathew Microbiology 2014
The pepper paper people: A portrait of the Syrian Christian community as reflected in the works of selected authors Susan Varghese Annie Margaret, P English literature 2010
The Personal and Political facets of Mother daughter relationship a study based on the stories of Madhavikutty Sara Joseph and Ashitha അമ്മ - മകൾ ബന്ധത്തിന്റെ വൈയക്തികതയും രാഷ്ട്രിയവും മാധവിക്കുട്ടി, സാറാജോസഫ് അഷിത ഇവരുടെ കഥകളെ മുൻനിർത്തിയുള്ള പഠനം Gisha Elizabeth Varghese Manoj K.V Malayalam literature 2019

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