Query: 3241-3270 of 4249 Results
Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Title / Sections Scholar Guide Branch of Study Year
Studies on λ Cyhalothrin induced biochemical and histological alterations in Oreochromis mossambicus Rekha Parthasarathy John Joseph Zoology 2012
Studies related to chaotic behaviour in nonlinear dynamical systems Thomas, K I Ambika, G Physics 2004
Studies towards the synthesis of few biologically active Chiral y-Butyrolactine based molecules employing 2-Hydroxycitric acid Lactones Salini Thomas Ibnusaud, I Chemistry 2007
Study of active antimicrobial principles and chemical composition of important compounds in certain species of Indigofera genus Sindhu, K K Mathew, M M Botany 2012
Study of anticancer activities of selected medicinal plants from Dasamoola and their comparison with micropropagated plants Sudha, K S Jose Padikkala Biochemistry 2012
Study of anticancer activity of selected medicinal plants with special reference to Hibiscus furcatus and Ophiorrhiza species Fijesh P Vijayan Jose Padikkala Biochemistry 2012
Study of birds in the human inhabited areas of Thattekkad Bird Sanctuary, Kerala Mumthaz, K M John George, M Zoology 2021
Study of frames in fuzzy context Philomena, C F Sunny Kuriakose, A Mathematics 2015
Study of natural radioactivity in the Island Environs of Kochi Rajagopalan, M Samuel Mathew Physics 2016
Study of physical properties of certain Borate glasses Shreekrishna Kumar, K Abdul Khadar, M Physics 1995
Study of propagation characteristics of Ferrite loaded layered waveguide systems Michael Augustine Sunny Mathew ,
Vincent Mathew
Physics 2008
Study of properties of small particles of certain materials George, K C Abdulkhadar, M Physics 1993
Study of rough sets and application to information theory Sheeja T.K Sunny Kuriakose A Mathematics 2019
Study of some electrostatic plasma instabilities in multi-ion plasmas Noble P Abraham Chandu Venugopal,
Unnikrishnan, N V
Physics 2014
Study of surface Plasmon polaritons in dielectric/metal multilayer structures Anju Babu Vincent Mathew Physics 2014
Study of surface Plasmon polaritons in gyrotropic and semiconductor nanostructures Gishamol Mathew Vincent Mathew Physics 2015
Study of the Effect of Fertilizers and Growth regulators on the growth and Reproduction in Moringa Oleifera Lam and its relationship with the purification of the polluted water by the plant extract Valsamma, V T Mathew, M M Botany 2016
Study of the variants among in vitro regenerated plants in Banana, Musa Paradisiaca, L Var Nendran and Poovan with special reference to ontogeny of shoot and floral apices Leelamma Sebastian Mathew, M M Botany 2007
Study on accelerators in the vulcanisation of elastomers Marykutty, C V George Mathew,
Sabu Thomas
Chemistry 2009
Study on anticolonial struggles of Nazranis and the Swadesi movement Saji Varughese Harilakshmeendra Kumar,C.R Social science 2018
Study on photonic properties of one dimensional nano-structures Parvathy Radhakrishnan Sajeev U.S Physics 2023
Study on polyvinyl chloride/graphene nanocomposites Akhina, H Gopinathan Nair, M.R, Co Guide Sabu Thomas Nano science 2019
Study on social security measures of the Government with special reference to PMRY in Kerala George Joseph Nadackal Gabriel Simon Thattil Commerce 2010
Study on status of essential trace elements and hydro chemical parameters in distribution and diversity of fishes in Kuttanad Sobha Merina George Joe Prasad Mathew Zoology 2022
Study on the activated sludge process for pollution abatement in a Caprolactam Plant Babu, G Winny Varghese Chemistry 2004
Study on the anticancer activity of secondary metabolites from selected Medicinal plants employing cell and tissue culture techniques Shylesh, B S Jose Padikkala Biochemistry 2001
Study on the chaotic systems, control and synchronization Sunsu Kurian Thottil Rose P Ignatius Physics 2020
Study on the effect of activator incorporation on the structural, morphological and optical properties of ZnO and ZnGa2O4 nanophosphors Safeera, T.A Anila, E .I Physics 2018
Study on the effect of immunomodulators in the inhibition of metastasis Sini Antony Girija Kuttan Immunology 2001
Study on the production of antineoplastic secondary metabolites from selected Medicinal plants using cell and tissue culture techniques (With special reference to Camptothecin and Gossypin) Hareesh Babu, B Jose Padikkala Biochemistry 2003

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