Query: 31-60 of 4252 Results
Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Scholar Title / Sections Branch of Study Guide Year
Abraham Kurian Role of Kerala Gandhi Smaraka Nidhi in rural development – A study with special reference to Gandhi Smaraka Grama Seva Kendram in Mararikulam, Alappuzha district Gandhian studies Nirmala Devi, D 2014
Abraham V Kuriakose A study on the effectiveness of the consumer protection laws relating to road transport passenger services in Kerala Commerce Roy Sam Daniel 2005
Abraham Varghese Studies on geometrically and electronically altered metal complexes supported on polymer matrix Chemistry Padmanabhan, M 1997
Abraham, C I Biodegradation of dyes Biochemistry Muraleedhara Kurup, G 2014
Abraham, M Y The analysis of rhetoric figures in the Indian and Western traditions - A linguistic stylistic study English literature John, Athialy P 1995
Aby Daniel A Specific Psycho physiological stimulations during early developmental stages and achievement of specific learning milestones Special education/ behavioural sciences Sukumaran, P S 2022
Aby P Joy Contemporary journalistic trends- A Gandhian critique Journalism Chirappanath, A K 2011
Aby P Varghese Ecology and behaviour of Malabar Trogon, Harpactes Fasciatus Malabaricus Zoology Rajan, K C 2004
Achutha Panicker, K (अच्युत पणिक्कर, के) रामधारी सिंह दिनकर और वल्लत्तोल नारायण मेनोन की कविताओं में राष्ट्रीय भावना - एक तुलनात्मक अध्ययन (Ramdhari Singh Dinkar aur Vallathol Narayana Menon ki kavithavom mem rashtreeya bhavana-Ek thulanatmak adhyayan) Hindi literature Santhakumari, G (शान्ताकुमारी, जी) 1996
Achuthan, C R A study on the Antiatherogenic effects of Proteoglycans and other active principles from natural sources Biochemistry Jose Padikkala 2000
Adil Nafar, A Comparative evaluation of the biological properties of selected Dasamula Plants and their In Vitro cultured plants Biochemistry Jose Padikkala 2016
Aditya Menon Exposure to low doses of Ionizing Radiation and Radionuclides in Mammalian organism: Cellular and Molecular alterations Bioscience Krishnan Nair, C K 2016
Adon Jose Luminescent characteristics and energy transfer mechanism of Eu3+/Nd3+/Er3+/Sm3+/Dy3+activated multicomponent borosilicate glasses. Physics Biju, P R 2022
Afina Mary Saju എം അച്യുതൻറെ സാ ഹിത്യ വിമർശന പദ്ധതി Malayalam lanuage and literature Thomas Scariya 2020
Agi M Thomson Amelioration of heavy metals by microorganisms and lower plants Biochemistry Muraleedhara Kurup, G 2009
Agile Joy Dynamics of integrated farming in the pokkali fields of Kerala Economics Raju, K V 2019
Agnes Jose An analysis of academic achievement and bodily-kinesthetic intelligence of school children Physical education Jose James 2011
Agney G K A study on the sanitation of urban places planning and public health in Travancore 1895 to 1957 History Pratheep, P S 2023
Ahamad Il-yaas Vilayathullah, N M V Emancipation struggles and the Islam experience in Afro-American literature English literature Harris, V C 2001
Ahamed Iqbal, V T Legal control over electronic media in India Law George Joseph 2014
Aijo John, K Fabrication and characterisation of titanium dioxide nanotubes for dye sensitized solar cell applications Physics Rachel Reena Philip 2019
Aiju Thomas Optimisation of machine to machine communication protocol Electronics Eldhose, N V 2021
Aisha Ravindran Intuiting reality: The poetry of Muriel Rukeyser English literature Chacko, P M 2003
Aiswarya R Rao Re-Visioning Epics: A Study of Select Indian Novels English language and literature Priya K Nair 2021
Aiswarya, M സാഹിത്യേതര മാധ്യമങ്ങളുടെ സ്വാധീനം എം മുകുന്ദന്റെ നോവലുകളിൽ (Sahithythara madhyamangalude swadheenam M Mukundante novelukalil) Malayalam language and literature Paul, M S 2020
Ajay Joseph Social commerce adoption: a customer centric study with Special reference to Kerala Commerce Gireesh Kumar. G S 2021
Ajay Kumar, B Studies on river sinuosity of Meenachil River with special reference to its palaeo-channels using remote sensing Environmental science Sankaran Unni, K 2010
Ajay M G River governance and Local Administration: A case study of River Pamba International relations Girishkumar R 2017
Ajay S Sekher Representing the margin: A study in fiction English literature Raveendran, P P 2007
Ajay, V G Miniaturized Microstrip Antennas with Defected Ground Structures Based on Complementary Split Ring Resonators for Superior Radiation Characteristics Electronics Thomaskutty Mathew 2020

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