Query: 751-780 of 844 Results
Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Title / Sections Scholar Guide Branch of Study Year
Sustainable Consumption Behaviour : A Household Level Study in Kerala Arathy S Nair Madhava Menon, N Economics 2021
Sustainable consumption for sustainable development: the Gandhian paradigm in the context of Kerala development Padma, P Muralivallabhan, T V Enviromental and atmospheric sciences 2021
Sustainable development and energy security: a comparative study of India and China Shibu M George C.Vinodan International relations and politics 2022
Sustainable development and planning in India Jose J Naduthotty Antony, C A Economics 2002
Sustainable livelihood of fishing allied workers: a study of the south coastal region of Kerala Freny Das Martin Patrick Economics 2020
Swarm Intelligence Based Approaches to Feature Selection Leena C Sekhar Vijayakumar, R Computer science 2021
Syntheses of medicinally important enantiopure compounds using 2S, 3S and 2S, 3R tetra hydro 3 hydroxy 5 oxo 2,3 furandicarboxylic acid Zabeera K T Ibnusaud I Chemistry 2022
Synthesis and catalytic studies of Chiral-4-(2-Hydroxy-2,2-Diarylethyl)- 2,2-Dimethyl-a,a,a',a'-Tetra aryl-1,3- Dioxolane-4,5-Dimethanols Beena Thomas Ibnusaud, I Chemistry 2003
Synthesis and characterisation of Block copolymers from NR and MDI-based Polyurethanes Jayasree, V Gopinathan Nair, M R Chemistry 1999
Synthesis and characterisation of plant based nanoparticles for remediation of wastewater Mahalaxmi N S Ramasamy E V Environmental sciences 2022
Synthesis and characterisation of rubber-carbon nanotube - ionic liquid composites Jessy Anto Therattil 1. Anilkumar, S & 2. Sabu Thomas Chemistry 2021
Synthesis and characterisation of selected nanomultiferroic systems Raneesh, B Nandakumar, K Physics 2014
Synthesis and characterization of Barium rare earth Hafnate: A new group of Perovskite materials for their application as substrates for High Tc Superconductors Asha Mary John Ittyachen, M A,
Jacob Koshy
Physics 2002
Synthesis and characterization of cerium oxide nanoparticles and their composites Babitha K.Kuniyil Thomas Varghese Physics 2018
Synthesis and Characterization of certain Rare Earth Doped Sr, Ca based Oxide Phosphors Viji Vidyadharan Biju, P R,
Unnikrishnan, N V
Physics 2016
Synthesis and characterization of EU3+/SM3+ doped cerium Oxalate and oxide Nanocrystals Vimal G. Kavukattu Cyriac Joseph Physics 2016
Synthesis and characterization of marine yeast polysaccharides Savitha K Koilery Keerthi, T R Biotechnology 2014
Synthesis and Characterization of nano mixed ferrites and its Photocatalytic application in dye degradation Lovely George Mohammed, E M Physics 2021
Synthesis and characterization of pristine and doped nanocrystalline Ba WO4 Seenamol K Stephen Thomas Varghese Physics 2022
Synthesis and characterization of pure and Sm3+/Eu3+doped Terbium Molybdate Nanophosphors Kamal P. Mani Cyriac Joseph,
Unnikrishnan, N V
Physics 2016
Synthesis and Characterization of Sol-Gel Derived RE3+ : Zirconia/Polyethylene Glycol Composites Saritha K Jose Biju, P R and Unnikrishnan, N V Physics 2020
Synthesis and Characterization of Speciality Poly (1-Naphthylamine) Nanocomposites Femina, K S George V Thomas Chemistry 2020
Synthesis and characterization of stable, highly luminescent inorganic-organic hybrid materials by grafting lanthanide organic complexes on inorganic matrices Ambili, K.S Jesty Thomas Chemistry 2019
Synthesis and characterization of TiO2 based glass/ ceramic composites Arun Kumar, K V Unnikrishnan, N V Physics 2013
Synthesis and characterization of Titania-zirconia based nanocomposites Karthika, S Unnikrishnan, N V Physics 2015
Synthesis and characterization of transparent conductive doped Zno thin films Jijoy P.Mathew Co-Guide Jacob Mathew George Varghese Physics 2018
Synthesis and characterization of ZnS based nanophosphors for display and biomedical applications” Bindu, K.R Anila, E.I Physics 2019
Synthesis and characterizations of In2S3 Gr and In2S3 CNT nanocomposite thin films for optoelectronic applications Jilu C John Saji Augustine Physics 2022
Synthesis and evaluation of energetic materials Santhosh, G Venkatachalam, S,
Ninan, K N
Chemistry 2005
Synthesis and fabrication of nanostructured trimanganese tetraoxide sensor and its applications Neetha Rachel John Abraham K E Physics 2022

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