Query: 181-210 of 326 Results
Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Title / Sections Scholar Guide Branch of Study Year
Pourastya nartaki -Samoohya swatwatinte roopanathareekaranam,Dasiyatta paramparyate aadharamakki oru padanam Rose Ligia, V.M Nambiar, A.K Fine arts 2019
Poverty Eradication Programme and its Socio- Economic Impact on Dalit Women in Kerala Sunimol, V C Jose, A Economics 2020
Power and Disability: A Foucauldian Reading of Kamala Markandaya’s Novels Dhannya Thomas, C V English language and literature 2020
Prabha Khetan Ke Upanyason Mein Nari Samvedana : Badalte Sandarbh Rejani, M Jayasree, P Hindi language and literature 2020
Prakriyasarvasve bhojavyakaranasya prabhavah Rupa V M.P. Unnikrishnan Sanskrit (vedanta) 2019
Prathyaya sankalpam vyaakaranathil (പ്രത്യയ സങ്കല്പം വ്യാകരണത്തിൽ) Dhanya N Nair Philip, V A Malayalam language and literature 2021
Pratibandhakatāvādasya paṭhanam samśodhita samskaraṇam ca Deepthi P Nair Asok Kumar, N K Sanskrit language and literature 2020
Pravasa sahithya pravanathakal Mukundhanilum Anandhilum Threnjedutha novalukale aspadamakkiyulla padanam (പ്രവാസ സാഹിത്യ പ്രവണതകൾ മുകുന്ദനിലും ആനന്ദിലും തിരെഞ്ഞെടുത്ത നോവലുകളെ ആസ്പദമാക്കിയുള്ള പഠനം) Sumeshkumar K P C R Suseela Devi Malayalam language and literature 2023
Pre-Clinical Studies on Therapeutic Use of Ganoderma Ruby Varghese Krishnan Nair, C.K Chemistry 2019
Predicting breast cancer using data mining and soft computing techniques Sheba, K U Gladston Raj, S Computer science 2019
Predictive medical analytics using data mining techniques Terry Jacob Mathew Elizabeth Sherly Computer science 2019
Premchand ka vaicharik gadya sahithya ek vishleshnatmak adhyayan Rajesh R Solji K.Thomas Hindi language and literature 2019
Preparation and characterization of bionanocomposites Visakh, P M Sabu Thomas Chemistry 2015
Preparation and characterization of organic thin films of Anthracene, Carbazle and Oligoaniline for the fabrication of schottky diodes Sreejith K Pisharady Sudarsanakumar, C,
Menon, C S
Physics 2010
Preparation and characterization of PVC/NR-b-PU blends Radhakrishnan Nair, M N Gopinathan Nair, M R Chemistry 2010
Preparation and characterization of selected luminescent nanoparticles Nuja S John, P Nandakumar, K Physics 2012
Preparation and Characterization of Vanadate Based Low Temperature Cofired Ceramics and its Composites for Microwave Circuit Applications Suresh. E.K Ratheesh, R Physics 2020
Preparation and Charaterisation of Conducting Polymers And polymer Composites Haisel Mathew Syamalakumari,B,Co Guide Sunny Kuriakose Physics 2019
Preparation and testing of a model for peer tutoring in mathematics at the secondary level Binu, B L Sudharma, A Education 2012
Preparation and testing of certain constructs in teaching Sanskrit in Higher education Sahadevan, G Reghu, V Education 2004
Preparation and testing of learning modules in Environmental science at Higher secondary level John, K K Thulasidharan, T V Education 2007
Preparation and testing of remedial teaching materials for educationally backward students in Chemistry at the Secondary school level Rajeswari, K Exemmal, J Education 2005
Preparation and validation of a learning package with windows operating system for the learning of information technology at secondary level Renjeesh, K.T Suresh,K.P Education 2018
Preparation and validation of an outdoor game based learning package for enhancing lateral thinking ability and achievement in science of tribal students at secondary school level Vishnu Vijayan M.A. Celine Pereira Educatiion 2022
Preparation and validation of computer based instructional package in Physics at the higher secondary level Binu Raj, A Celine Pereira Education 2015
Preparation and validation of culture-fair emotional intelligence tools relevant for educative use in the schools of Kerala Prameela, A Paulose, P J Education 2015
Preparation and validation of multimedia packages in the teaching of Science to the hearing impaired students of Secondary schools Nirmala Susan Alexander Celine Pereira Education 2003
Preparation of (1-x-y)(B2O3)-x(Li2O)-y(MCl2) glasses and investigation of their properties Vijoy, P S Abdul Khadar, M Physics 2000
Preparation of a learning package for developing health awareness among student teachers at Secondary level Rachel George, M Jacob, P J Education 2008
Preparation of B2O3-Li2O-MO (M=Pb, Zn) glass thin films and study of their properties Sindu A Kartha Ittyachen, M A,
Abdul Khadar, M
Physics 2002

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