Query: 1-15 of 18 Results
Online Theses Library of MG University
Category Title / Sections Scholar Branch of Study Year
scholar Molecular Diffusion Studies Using Laser Beam Deflection Technique and Non Linear Optical Investigations of Selected Nano Materials Dhanya N P Physics 2022
scholar Prathyaya sankalpam vyaakaranathil (പ്രത്യയ സങ്കല്പം വ്യാകരണത്തിൽ) Dhanya N Nair Malayalam language and literature 2021
scholar Characterization and in vitro evaluation of bioactive molecules in methanol extract of Coconut kernel Dhanya Krishnan, R Biotechnology 2021
scholar Risk Management Practices of Financial Derivatives with Special Reference to Futures and Options in Kerala Dhanyamol, C K Commerce 2021
scholar A Comparative Analysis on Classical and Retrial Queueing Models Dhanya Babu Mathematics 2020
scholar Effect of proactive classroom management strategy on time-on-task behaviour and achievement in chemistry of secondary school students Dhanya, G Education 2019
scholar Development of a new reliable steganographic technique using sudoku puzzle Dhanya Job Computer science 2019
scholar ആധുനികോത്തര പ്രവണതകൾ സമകാലിക മലയാള കവിതയിൽ Dhanya S Panicker Malayalam lanuage and literature 2019
scholar Pseudomonas Taiwanensis(MTCCI 1631)mediated control of Anthurium blight caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. Dieffenbachiae Dhanya S Microbiology 2017
scholar Studies on the allelopathic effects of phytochemicals from selected plants Dhanya, P Biochemistry 2016
scholar Ecology of soil algae of wetland paddy fields of Kuttanadu Dhanya Vijayan Botany 2016
scholar Microbial Consortia development for the Biodegradation of mixed Organic Compounds Dhanya, V Bioscience 2016
scholar Estimation of reliability measures of some commonly used heavy tailed lifetime distributions Dhanya, M Statistics 2016
scholar मलती जोशी के कथा साहित्य में नारी मन के अन्दर्द्धन्द्वा (Malti Joshi ke katha sahitya mein nari man ke andardwandwa) Dhanya Sadanandan (धन्य सदानन्दन) Hindi literature 2015
scholar Biological activities and cellular radioprotecting properties of metal/metal oxide nanoparticles bound drugs and phytoceuticals Dhanya, K C Biochemistry 2013

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