Query: 211-228 of 228 Results
Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Title / Sections Scholar Guide Branch of Study Year
Relationship among Entrepreneurial Skills, Social Intelligence and Vocational Aspirations of Commerce Students at Undergraduate Level Suja, S Thulasidharan, T V Education 2021
Relationship between emotional intelligence and effectiveness of Primary school teachers in Kerala State Varughese P Peter Thulasidharan, T V Education 2013
Relationship between Multiple Intelligences and Achievement in Mathematics of Students at Secondary Level Sreeraj, K G Thulasidharan, T V Education 2016
Relationship between student related variables and multiple intelligences among higher secondary school students Anjana B Nair Sajna Jaleel Education 2017
Socio-personal adjustment and achievement of culturally disadvantaged secondary school pupils Sheela K Shany Jacob, P J Education 2016
Sree Narayana Guru’s perspective on education and its relevance in the emerging society Surajbabu, P V Jacob, P J Education 2012
Status of formal and non-formal education programme prevalent for Scheduled tribe students in Kerala Omanaseelan, M Joshi, N D Education 2002
Stress and coping strategies in relation to emotional intelligence of student teachers of Kerala Suresh, K J Saratchandra Raj, G Education 2014
The educational thoughts in the Holy Qur'an for Individual and social development: An analytical study Mubi K. Mohamed Ali Celine Pereira Education 2016
The effect of information processing models in the teaching of Geography in the Secondary schools of Kerala Mary, P T Jaleel, P M Education 2004
The effect of interactive approach model in teaching English as Second language Babitha Suresh Sivadasan, K R Education 2002
Use of modern instructional strategies: Awareness and achievement of student teachers at Primary level Susamma George, P Jacob, P J Education 2007
Use of self-learning materials: Perception and performance of student teachers at Secondary level Rosamma Lukos, M Jacob, P J Education 2006
Validation of a learning package based on metacognitive process for enhancing metacognitive skills and achievement in Biology at Secondary level Padma Priya, P V Celine Pereira Education 2013
Validation of learning package in Chemistry based on education for sustainable development among Secondary school students with regard to select environmental variables Lalamani, P Suresh, K P Education 2013
Validation of the potentials of mobile learning and ubiquitous learning in science for fostering self-regulated learning among higher secondary school students Renjisha, R Suresh,K.P Education 2018
Value integrated education and student behaviour: A constructive and experimental study Anilkumar, K P Saratchandra Raj, G Education 2014
Value perception of Student Teachers in the context of value orientation of their Institution Sankaranarayanan Paleeri Saratchandra Raj Education 2016

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