Query: 1381-1395 of 4108 Results
Online Theses Library of MG University
Category Title / Sections Scholar Branch of Study Year
Title A study of some Plasma instabilities in Multi-ion and Anti-loss cone Plasmas Samuel George Physics 2013
Title Health status of Muslim Women in Kerala Haseena Beevi, A A Economics 2013
Title The role of South Malabar Gramin Bank in the Rural development of Northern Kerala Damodaran, K K Commerce 2013
Title Performance evaluation and customer satisfaction of Public sector banks and new generation Private sector banks in the post-liberalised era Aloysius, O C Commerce 2013
Title പോഞ്ഞിക്കര റാഫിയുടെ സാഹിത്യസംഭാവനകള്‍ (Literary contributions of Ponjikkara Raphy) Anu, P T (അനു, പി റ്റി) Malayalam literature 2013
Title Developing a Multimedia remedial tracking package for Dysgraphia among Primary school students with specific learning disabilities Anilakumari, M C Education 2013
Title Dynamics of Life insurance business – A study of Private and Public sector in India Rajesh Kumar, S Economics 2013
Title Effect of select correlates of Achievement motivation on Academic achievement in Biology among the students at Higher secondary level Sivaprasad, K Education 2013
Title Phytochemical studies and biological activities of selected members of family Asclepiadaceae Meena Thomas Irimpan Botany 2013
Title Synthesis of Nanomagnetic materials and study of their structural, magnetic and electrical properties Binu, P J Physics 2013
Title Problems and prospects of Leather industry in Kerala Mathew, P E Commerce 2013
Title Effectiveness of learning styles and meta cognition upon the learning of Malayalam language at Secondary level Sreevrinda Nair, N Education 2013
Title Sexual behavior in Adolescents: A study on the ecological correlates Saji Kumar, K P Psychology 2013
Title Acceptance and perception of e-governance among elected representatives of Local Bodies in Kannur District Sabu Thomas Political science 2013
Title Microbial Chitinases – Isolation, purification and characterisation Mini K Paul Microbiology 2013

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