Query: 2026-2040 of 4108 Results
Online Theses Library of MG University
Category Title / Sections Scholar Branch of Study Year
Title आचार्य रामचन्द्र शुक्ला एवं हजारी प्रसाद द्विवेदी की ऐतिहासिक दृष्टि का तुलनात्मक विवेचन नव इतिहासवाद के आधार पर (Acharya Ramchandra Sukla evam Hazari Prasad Dwivedi ki eithihasik drishti ka tulnatmak vivechan nav ithihasvad ke addhar par) Sindhu P Kauma (सिन्धू पी कौमा) Hindi literature 2015
Title Systematic, pharmacognostical and ethnobotanical study of selected medicinal plants used for the treatment of rheumatism Jessy Kurien Botany 2015
Title Chemopreventive effect of Amorphophallus campanulatus (Roxb) Bl tuber on colon and hepatic carcinogenesis Ansil, P N Bioscience 2015
Title Security enhancement of real time database system based on encryption using TDMRC code Anjana S Chandran Computer science 2015
Title Effect of nanofillers on incompatible polymer blends Hanna J Maria Chemistry 2015
Title Protective efficacy of omega-3 fatty acid against arsenic trioxide (an ant-leukemic agent) induced toxicity Mathews V Varghese Bioscience (biotechnology) 2015
Title The origin and nature of coronal mass ejections Lusamma Joseph Physics 2015
Title Role of dispute settlement body in relation to world trade in the WTO set-up Sudhakaran, K Law 2015
Title Survey of ornamental fishes from river Achencoil with special reference to the distribution, biology and maintenance of Resbora daniconius (Ham) and Danio aequipinnatus (Mc Clelland) Susy Mathew Zoology 2015
Title ममता कालिया के कथा साहित्य में नारी अस्मिता का तलाश (Mamatha Kaliya ke katha sahitya mein nari asmita ki talash) Rejani, V A (रजनी, वी ए) Hindi literature 2015
Title Study of frames in fuzzy context Philomena, C F Mathematics 2015
Title Evaluation of the revised biology curriculum at high school level in the constructivist perspective and practice Lohidhasan, M K Education 2015
Title A study on the effectiveness of solid waste management of Municipalities in Kerala Ajith, P S Commerce 2015
Title The aging issues of senior citizens- The welfare measures taken by Changanacherry Archdiocese through old age homes Thomas Joseph Gandhian studies (peace studie 2015
Title Tea plantations in Kerala: A study with special reference to abandonment, closure and rehabilitation packages Santhimol, M C Commerce 2015

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