Query: 2056-2070 of 4108 Results
Online Theses Library of MG University
Category Title / Sections Scholar Branch of Study Year
Title Soil characterization of rubber ecosystems with special reference to soil organic matter Annie Philip Chemistry 2015
Title Rural employment schemes and rural developmental- A study with special reference to Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in Kerala Helaney, M Y Commerce 2015
Title Professionalism and burnout among college physical education teachers in Kerala Raju, K A Physical education 2015
Title Preparation and validation of computer based instructional package in Physics at the higher secondary level Binu Raj, A Education 2015
Title A study on carbon and green house gas dynamics of wetland rice soils with special reference to biochar application Santhi Prabha, V Environmental science 2015
Title कमलेश्वर का रचना संसार (Kamleshwar Ka Rachna Sansar) Shija Grace (श्रीजा ग्रेस) Hindi literature 2015
Title A study on soil carbon dynamics of multiple land use categories Sreekanth, N P Environmental science 2015
Title Studies on the effect of artificial sweetener- Aspartame on liver and brain Abhilash, M Biochemistry 2015
Title Synthesis and nonlinear optical characterization of certain chalcogen based nanostructures Ann Mary, K A Physics 2015
Title Morphology and transport characteristics of poly (ethylene-co-vinyl acetate)/clay nanocomposites Runcy Wilson Chemistry 2015
Title Probability models in the context of random summation schemes Prasanth, C B Statistics 2015
Title The role and impact of non-governmental organizations in entrepreneurship development in Kerala Vineeth, K M Commerce 2015
Title चित्रा मुद्गल के कथा साहित्य मैन मानवीय संसकती (Chitra Mudgal ke katha sahitya mein manaviy Sansakti) Cibymole Abraham (सीबीमोल अब्राहम) Hindi literature 2015
Title Chiral pool approach towards the sysnthesis of few optically active y-butyrolactone based natural products Simimole, H Chemistry 2015
Title Biosorption of hazardous metal ions using ion imprinted interpenetrating polymer networks Girija, P Chemistry 2015

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