Query: 1846-1860 of 4108 Results
Online Theses Library of MG University
Category Title / Sections Scholar Branch of Study Year
Title Study on the production of antineoplastic secondary metabolites from selected medicinal plants using cell and tissue culture techniques (With special reference to Ophiorrhiza mungos and Holostemma adakodien) Jelly Louis, C Biochemistry 2011
Title Inhibition of tumour cell progression by restricting neo vessel formation using natural products Hamsa, T P Immunology 2011
Title हरिशंकर परसाई और डॉ गोविन्द शेनाय की रचनाओं में हास्य-व्यंग्य एक तुलनात्मक अध्ययन (Harisankar Parsai our Dr Govinda Shenai ki rachanaom mem hasya-vangya ek thulanatmak adhyayan) Bindhukala, P N (बिन्दुकला, पी एन) Hindi literature 2011
Title Studies on certain gel-grown metal malonate crystals Varghese Mathew Physics 2012
Title Utilization of heavy metals by microorganisms and its application at industrial level Ananda Kumar, A K Bioscience 2005
Title Panchayati raj in Kerala after the seventy third amendment: Problems related to transition Lekha, G Gandhian studies 2005
Title HIV/AIDS in Kerala: A medico-social analysis Sajith Kumar, R (Dr) Gandhian studies 2005
Title Innovation of an alternated dual task for assessing spatial learning and memory in rats: An investigation by altering the hippocampal integrity using pharmacological and lesion approach Praveen, K V Physiology 2001
Title Anti-tumour activity of peptidoglycan fraction from squid and cuttlefish ink Priya Senan, V Biotechnology 2008
Title A study of the effect and the relationship between some selected correlates of achievement motivation and achievement in social sciences of secondary school students Mathew Joseph Education 2009
Title Effect of phytoactive compounds on cholesterol growth Seethalekshmi Ammal, M Physics 2009
Title Reading the illustrated images: A study on the practice of illustrating literary works in Malayalam periodicals as a literate- media space for art in twentieth century Kerala Kavitha Balakrishnan Fine arts 2009
Title Secularism and the politics of religious minorities in Kerala with special reference to Christian community Roy Varghese Political science 2009
Title A study on biochemical changes associated with myocardial ischemic reperfusion injury in patients and rat model Gino A Kurian Biotechnology 2009
Title Microbial degradation of natural rubber latex and its application in the treatment of latex centrifugation effluent Elizabeth Cherian Biotechnology 2009

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