Query: 1696-1710 of 4108 Results
Online Theses Library of MG University
Category Title / Sections Scholar Branch of Study Year
Title Karyomorphometrical analysis and exploration of major chemical constituents in Dioscoreaceae Paul M J Manickathan Botany 2009
Title Parental stimulation and peer experiences as correlates of select social relations and academic achievement of Primary school children Limsy John, T Education 2009
Title सत्तरोत्तर हिन्दी कहानी में नारी अस्मिता की अभिव्यक्ति (Women's pride depicted in post-seventy Hindi short stories) Santy Joseph (सान्टी जाँसफ) Hindi literature 2009
Title Characterisation of the environmental microflora of Macrobrachium rosenberjii and development of potential probiotic strains for its culture operations Mujeeb Rahiman, K M Environmental science 2009
Title An entrepreneurship model for Kerala Mohan P Philip Commerce 2009
Title Motivation of school teachers in Kerala - An assessment of quality dimensions consequent to reforms in the education sector Bino Joy Commerce 2009
Title Taxonomic and phytochemical studies on selected species of family Apocynaceae Egy T Paul Botany 2009
Title Morphology and properties of high density Poly ethylene/ ethylene Vinyl Acetate co-polymer blends Biju John Chemistry 2009
Title In vitro regeneration of Rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg. Cv. RRII 105) from immature anther explants via somatic embryogenesis Kumari Jayasree, P Botany 2009
Title Studies on the effect of distillery effluent on rice (Oryza Sativa L) Sivaprasad, A Botany 2009
Title A comparative study on generation differentials of single women in Kerala Licy, A D Sociology 2009
Title Economics of Dairy Co-operatives in Kerala- A study with special reference to Operation Flood Shoja Rani, B N Economics 2009
Title Passive sol-gel materials and active wave guides by ion-exchange/femtosecond inscription for various optical processes Toney Teddy Fernandez Physics 2009
Title Pedagogical interventions in sex and sexuality: A study among adolescent school children Asha P Rao Social work 2009
Title A re-reading of Hamlet in the light of Bhagavad Gita Salia Rex English literature 2009

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