Query: 1666-1680 of 4108 Results
Online Theses Library of MG University
Category Title / Sections Scholar Branch of Study Year
Title Modelling land slide susceptibility on a regional scale using remote sensing and GIS: An assessment of parts of the Meenachil River basin of Western Ghats, India Vijith, H Environmental science 2009
Title കാവ്യരൂപപരിണാമം ആധുനിക മലയാള കവിതയില്‍ -അയ്യപ്പപ്പണിക്കരുടെ കവിതകളെ ആധാരമാക്കി ഒരു പഠനം (Change in poetic form in modern Malayalam poetry- A study mainly based on the works of Ayyappa Paniker) Omanakutty Amma, V R (ഓമനക്കുട്ടിയമ്മ, വി ആര്‍) Malayalam literature 2009
Title Foreign portfolio investment in India- A critical evaluation Lazar, P K Commerce 2009
Title The slogans of independence struggle: A study in communication and representation Sony J Raj Communication and journalism 2009
Title Dalits of Syrian Catholic church in Keralam Johnson X Palakkappillil Social work 2009
Title A study on lattices of L-topologies Jose, V K Mathematics 2009
Title Systematic and ethnobotanic studies on the Rubiaceae of Kerala Pramod Kumar, N Botany 2009
Title A study on women empowerment in Kerala with special reference to Kudumbasree project Lathika, K K Commerce 2009
Title Self avoiding walks Sindhu, E S Statistics 2009
Title In vitro propagation and secondary metabolite production in Scoparia dulcis Linn Annie J Mathew Biotechnology 2009
Title The role of women in Kutiyattam: A study Minidevi, P R Sanskrit literature 2009
Title Fabrication and characterization studies in organic semiconductor thin films of TiPcCl2, SiPcCl2, SnPcCl2 and SnPc Regimol C Cherian Physics 2009
Title Influence of media advertisements on consumer behaviour in the Cochin Metropolitan area Annam Alice, K A Commerce 2009
Title Impact of literature for advertising effectiveness in the visual media – A study Sreedharan, N V Management studies 2009
Title Assessment of depression dimension in terminally ill cancer patients Josephine Mary Ann Koola Gandhian studies 2009

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