Query: 1576-1590 of 4108 Results
Online Theses Library of MG University
Category Title / Sections Scholar Branch of Study Year
Title Molecular dynamics simulations of some nucleic acids and their complexes Mathew K Varghese Physics 2010
Title Studies on metal ion absorption (Calcium and Mercury) by certain members of Poncene and the cation exchange capacity of their roots George, K J Botany 2010
Title Qulased D’Marth Maryam Jincy, O U Syriac literature 2010
Title A comparative study of the juvenile delinquents and normals with respect to their self-concept and locus of control Varkey, A V Education 2010
Title Effectiveness of structured teaching and counseling in reducing the burden of caregivers of persons with dementia Rajee Reghunath Behavioural science 2010
Title Reconstructing the political unconscious - A reading of the plays of Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller Sujeesh, C K English literature 2010
Title The role of total quality management in ISO 9000 certified manufacturing organizations - A case study of select units in Kerala Mathew Joseph Management studies 2010
Title Glycidyl azide polymer (GAP) as a high energy polymeric binder for composite solid propellant applications Manu, S K Chemistry 2010
Title മലയാള നാടകങ്ങളില്‍ പ്രതിഫലിക്കുന്ന സ്ത്രീ സ്വാതന്ത്ര്യം (The idea of women’s liberation as reflected in Malayalam plays) Raju, D (രാജു, ഡി) Malayalam literature 2010
Title Investigation on the taxonomy of Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera) associated with Rice ecosystem in Thrissur and Palakkad Districts of Kerala State Lakshmi Devi Menon, P Zoology 2013
Title Analytical and synthetic investigations in Olefinic compounds Abdel Salam, K U Chemistry 2013
Title Ecological narratives and tropes in the Book of Isaiah Jyothis P Kuruvilla English literature 2013
Title Disaster management: The role of local self Government and the community participation in Kerala Rajeev, M M International relations 2013
Title Structural, dielectric and spectroscopic investigations of sol-gel derived Titania/ Poly (vinyl-pyrrolidine) hybrids Prathibha Vasudevan Physics 2013
Title The politics, ideology and method of space: A study of selected fiction of J M Coetzee Bindu Jamal English literature 2013

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