Query: 91-120 of 164 Results
Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Title / Sections Scholar Guide Branch of Study Year
Micropropagational, callus inductional, callus anatomical and insitu performance of plantlets of Bamboo variety Ochlandra (Reeds) in Kerala Shaji Philip Baby Chacko Botany 1998
Molecular cloning, characterization and expression of Rubber elongation factor gene from Hevea Brasiliensis Muell Arg Priya, P Thulaseedharan, A Botany 2006
Morphological and anatomical studies in some South Indian Scrophulariaceae Annie Deleela, C J Avita (Sr) Botany 1994
Morphological and histochemical studies in some tropical Acanthaceae Thara K Simon Avita (Sr) Botany 1994
Morphological, Anatomical, Phytochemical and Molecular Investigation of the Genus Salacia L. in Kerala Prashy, P Satheesh George Botany 2022
Nutritional Value of Freshwater Green Algae of Kerala Prasanthkumar, S Ray, J G Botany 2020
Palynological studies on certain Malvales Geetha Lakshmi, K Raju, E C Botany 2004
Palynological studies on the South Indian Papilionaceae Kuriakose, M E Raju, E C Botany 2001
Pharmacognostic and Anti-Microbial Investigations of Selected Plants for the Formulation of Herbal Shampoo Jaya Kuruvilla Anilkumar, M Botany 2020
Pharmacognostic and Molecular Characterisation of the Genus Justicia L. in Kerala Sini, S Satheesh George Botany 2020
Pharmacognostic and Phytochemical Evaluation of a Classical Ayurvedic Formulation Pathyashadangam Kashayam Aji Abraham Lizzy Mathew Botany 2019
Pharmacognostic, Phytochemical and tissue culture studies of Tylophora indica(Burm.f.) Merrill Smitha S Joseph P Varghese Botany 2017
Photochemical and Molecular Systematic of Artemisia spp. Rashmi, T R Francis, M S Botany 2016
Physiological and biochemical changes during the germination and seedling growth of Bael seeds (Aegle Marmelose Corr) Hari, N Gopalakrishnan, P K Botany 2004
Physiological changes and distribution patterns of Mangrove flora of Cochin Suma, K P Joy, C M Botany 2001
Phytochemical and in vitro studies on Persicaria glabra Willd M Gomez, Persicaria hydropiper L,Delarbre and Persicaria barbataL H Hara Semina Haneef Scaria K. Varghese Botany 2022
Phytochemical and Molecular systematics of Aristolochia spp. Soumya Murali Francis, M S Botany 2016
Phytochemical and nutritional analysis of Horse gram (Dolichos biflorus Linn) Sreelekshmi, S G Avita (Sr) Botany 2012
Phytochemical and pharmacological analysis of selected medicinal plants and their substitutes Shanti Vasudevan, C N Ima Neerakkal Botany 2022
Phytochemical and Pharmacological Investigation on selected Members of the Tribes heliantheae and Eupatorieae (Asteraceae) Neethi C Nair Sheela, D Botany 2021
Phytochemical and Pharmacological Investigation on Species of Spilanthes Jacq. from India Durga, K V Sheela, D Botany 2021
Phytochemical evaluation for chemotaxonomy and pharmacognostic studies on selected taxa of subfamily nepetoideae (lamiaceae) Asha, D Lizzy Mathew Botany 2018
Phytochemical studies and biological activities of selected members of family Asclepiadaceae Meena Thomas Irimpan Sheela, D Botany 2013
Plantation technology: Propagation techniques and nursery practices for seven indigenous medicinal and avenue tree species of Kerala Justin R Nayagam Mani Varghese, K I Botany 2012
Pollen morphology of Coconut (Cocos nucifera Linn) Haneesa Beevi, A Nair, P K K Botany 2006
Pollination ecology and Phytochemical analysis of two plant species Colubrina travancorica and Osbeckia wynaadensis : Endemic to Southern Western Ghats Simi, M S Sunil, C N Botany 2020
Quantitative ethnobotany and phytochemistry of selected plants used in traditional therapeutics by ethnic trines of Wayanad district, Kerala Sreejit, C M Thomas Mathew, P Botany 2015
Redesigning the Rice Cultivar (Oryza Sativa L.) Jaya by the Introgression of Sub 1 Gene Using Molecular Breeding Arya, K V Shylaraj, K S Botany 2020
Reproductive biology and tissue culture studies in Winged bean [Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L) DC] Eapen P Koshy Philip John Botany 2008
Reproductive biology, seed technology and phytochemistry of garcinia gummi-gutta (l.) Robson and oroxylum indicum (l.) Vent. Salvy Thomas Scaria K. Varghese%Antony V T Botany 2018

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