Query: 61-90 of 164 Results
Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Title / Sections Scholar Guide Branch of Study Year
Floristic studies of the coastal wetlands of Southern Kerala Shaju, S Antony, V T Botany 2014
Foliicolous Fungal Flora of Malabar Wildlife Sanctuary in Kerala State Lini K Mathew Neeta N Nair Botany 2019
Foliicolous fungi on trees of upper Moozhiyar Ilampampa forests in Goodrical reserve Kerala Nisha Mathew Jacob Thomas, Botany 2023
Genetic parameters and divergence in certain wild genotypes of Hevea Brasiliensis (Willd ex Adr de Juss) Muell Arg Saji T Abraham Panikkar, A O N% George, P J Botany 2001
Genetic studies on yield and certain yield components in the Para Rubber Tree [Hevea Brasiliensis (Willd ex Adr de Juss) Muell Arg] Thomas Sebastian Saraswathy Amma, C K Botany 2004
Histo-morphological and palynological investigation on some South Indian representatives of the tribe Heliantheae (Compositae) Sheela, D Avita (Sr) Botany 1994
Impact of climate change on Indian plantation sector with special reference to natural rubber Satheesh, P R Thulaseedharan, A,
James Jacob
Botany 2014
Impact of heavy metal pollutants on the germination, histo-morphology, productivity and histochemistry of certain plants of Solanaceae Liza Jacob Avita (Sr) Botany 1997
Impact of heavy metals on some Medicinal plants Anitha, C T Avita (Sr) Botany 2005
Impact of some common pesticides on selected Phytoplankters Beena B Nair Merlee Teresa, M V (Sr) Botany 2004
Impact of trawlers on the microalgae of the aquatic ecosystem Romilly Margaret Mendez Merlee Teresa, M V (Sr) Botany 2007
In vitro propagation and Molecular Characterization of Solanum capsicoides All Anusree K Dharman Anilkumar, M Botany 2021
In vitro propagation, antimicrobial studies and phytochemical analysis of Rhinacanthus Nasutus (L) KURZ Meena K Cheruvathur Dennis Thomas, T Botany 2012
In vitro regeneration of Rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg. Cv. RRII 105) from immature anther explants via somatic embryogenesis Kumari Jayasree, P Thulaseedharan, A Botany 2009
In vitro studies on Datura metel L. and Gloriosa superba L. Manju Madhavan Joy P Joseph Botany 2003
In vivo and in vitro production of Camptothecin on Ophiorrhiza species Ginu Joseph Joy P Joseph% Jolly, C I Botany 2011
In vivo screening, evaluation and exploitation of Glycoalkaloids through different In vitro systems in selected Solanum species Rose George Joy P Joseph Botany 2005
Influence of juvenility on somatic embryogenesis and phase change related gene expression in Hevea brasiliensis Kala, R G Thulaseedharan, A Botany 2012
Intercropping of medicinal plants in Rubber plantations - Light requirements and physiology of shade adaptation Ima Neerakkal Sethuraj, M R Botany 1998
Invasive Alien Plants as alternate Source of Natural Fibers Swapna Vijayan Joy, C M Botany 2020
Inventorying mangrove flora along muziris pattanam wetlands and the characterization of bioactive compounds in selected members Lovly M.S Merlee Teresa M.V. Botany 2019
Investigation on hydrobiology and water quality parameters of Periyar Lake, Thekkady, Kerala Jithesh Krishnan, R Ray, J G Botany 2008
Investigations on certain biochemical changes and Phyllosphere microflora of Hevea Brasiliensis as influenced by nitrogenous fertilizer application and Corynespora cassilicola inoculation Annakutty Joseph Kothandaraman, R Botany 1998
Isolation and molecular Characterisation of β-1, 3-Glucanase gene and its role in combating abnormal leaf fall disease in Rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis Muell Arg) Thanseem Ismail Thulaseedharan, A Botany 2005
Isolation and Molecular Characterization of Bacterial Endophytes of Emilia sonchifolia (Linn.) DC Sithara K Urumbil Anilkumar, M Botany 2020
Isolation, identification, characterization and application studies of anthocyanins in Dioscorea alata L purple yam Anumol Jose Anilkumar, M Botany 2022
Karyomorphological analysis and exploration of major essential oil constituents in Piper Linn and allied Genera Annie Joseph Menachery Joseph Jose Botany 2000
Karyomorphometrical analysis and exploration of major chemical constituents in Dioscoreaceae Paul M J Manickathan Joseph Jose Botany 2009
Karyomorphometrical analysis and exploration of major essential oil constituents in Zingiberaceae Roy Joseph Joseph Jose Botany 1999
Marker assisted breeding for rice improvement Rohini P.C K.S.Shylaraj Botany 2018

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