Query: 1441-1455 of 4108 Results
Online Theses Library of MG University
Category Title / Sections Scholar Branch of Study Year
Title An analysis of academic achievement and bodily-kinesthetic intelligence of school children Agnes Jose Physical education 2011
Title Morphological evolution in galaxy clusters: A quantitative approach Vinu, V Physics 2011
Title Glycoprotein profile in normal and pathological states Madhavan, S Biochemistry 2011
Title Industry requirements for and competence of engineering graduates – A study Jose, K J (Fr) Gandhian studies 2011
Title An investigation on pesticide residue in soil and water with particular reference to Carbofuran in Wayanad District, Kerala Devasia, M J Environmental science 2011
Title Novel synthetic transformations on α- Formyl ketene dithioacetals leading to the synthesis of functionalised Heterocycles Sreedevi, N K Chemistry 2011
Title Linear and dendritic macromolecules modified with Porphyrin and Metalloporphyrins: Synthesis, characterisation and photoresponsive studies Lucy Mathew, P Chemistry 2011
Title Marketing strategies for kitchen appliances in Kerala Victor George, V M Commerce 2011
Title Land tenure systems in Travancore (1865- 1959) Nature, evolution and impact Philip Cherian History 2010
Title Studies on river sinuosity of Meenachil River with special reference to its palaeo-channels using remote sensing Ajay Kumar, B Environmental science 2010
Title Optimization in fuzzy environment Lisy Cherian Mathematics 2010
Title Preparation and characterization of PVC/NR-b-PU blends Radhakrishnan Nair, M N Chemistry 2010
Title Non linear elasticity and lattice thermal expansion of the shape memory alloys Cu-Al-Ni, Cu-Al-Zn, Cu-Al-Be and Cu-Al-Pd Santosh P Kuruvilla Physics 2010
Title Photochemical and radiation chemical degradation studies of Triazine derivatives Rani Varghese Chemistry 2010
Title Effectiveness of participative management in the industrial sector of Kerala Deepu Jose Sebastian Commerce 2010

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