Query: 1351-1365 of 4108 Results
Online Theses Library of MG University
Category Title / Sections Scholar Branch of Study Year
Title കുട്ടികളുടെ നാടകവേദി: സമകാലിക ദര്‍ശനം (Children’s theatre in Malayalam: Contemporary vision) Jitheesh Kumar, J P (ജിതേഷ് കുമാര്‍, ജെ പി) Malayalam literature 2011
Title State, civil society and security: Ascendancy of the new right and its implications for India Joshy, P M International relations 2011
Title The aesthetics of temporality in selected modern fictional narratives with special focus on Lawrence Durrell and William Faulkner Gigy Joseph English literature 2011
Title Health and nutritional status of women and preschool children in urban slums of Kochi Lizmitha Godwin Home science 2011
Title Empowerment of Dalits and the role of Dalit movements in Kerala: A study of Kottayam District Tomy Joseph (Fr) Political science 2011
Title Developing a strategy for syncopating Mathematical skills among Primary school students Vijayakumar, M V Education 2011
Title Studies on microfibrillar based composites Jayanarayanan, K Chemistry 2011
Title Studies on fibre reinforced polymer composites Indira, K N Chemistry 2011
Title Financial management in Banks in Kerala Sushan, P K Commerce 2011
Title Studies on Salmonella contamination in the eggs of layer hens, ducks and Japanese quail Harsha, H T Environmental science 2011
Title Design of molecular imprinted polymers with selectivity towards Amino acids Ansamma Thomas Chemistry 2011
Title SSI units in an open economy context: the Kerala scenario – With a comparative analysis of data from Kerala and Karnataka George Mathew Economics 2011
Title Discourse in Flux: A Bakhtinian reading of selected novels of Bruce Marshall Alphonsa, P O English literature 2011
Title Motor abilities and functional academic skills of children with cerebral palsy Vijesh, P V Special education 2011
Title Social formation of the Siddhis in the Dharwad and Karwar districts of Karnataka State Herold Christopher History 2011

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