Query: 571-585 of 586 Results
Online Theses Library of MG University
Category Title / Sections Scholar Branch of Study Year
Page 4.3.3. Pest and disease management methods. (Thesis: Ethno agricultural practices of Kurichiyan, Mullakuruman, Thachanaden Muppen and Wayanadan Chetti of Wayanad District, Kerala ) Ravi Kumar, P Botany 2014
Page 3. Total quality management -An overview. (Thesis: Quality circles and employee performance – A study based on private sector industries in Kerala Francis, C T Commerce 2014
Page 5. Registration of beneficiaries, issue and management of job cards. (Thesis: Rural employment schemes and rural developmental- A study with special reference to Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in Kerala ) Helaney, M Y Commerce 2015
Page 6. Registration for work, worksite management and payment of wages . (Thesis: Rural employment schemes and rural developmental- A study with special reference to Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in Kerala Helaney, M Y Commerce 2015
Page 5. Soil organic carbon management- Experimental studies. (Thesis: A study on soil carbon dynamics of multiple land use categories ) Sreekanth, N P Environmental science 2015
Page 7. Anaesthetics for handling management. (Thesis: Studies on the stock dynamics and reproductive biology of Sahyadria denisonii (Day 1865) an endangered ornamental fish of the Western Ghats of India Sajan, S Fishery science 2015
Page 2. Behavioral finance and portfolio management: review of theory and literature. (Thesis: Risk Model and Portfolio selection: A behavioural approach for optimization of Returns ) Anu Antony Management studies 2016
Page 5. Investment decision and portfolio management: Behavioral assessment. (Thesis: Risk Model and Portfolio selection: A behavioural approach for optimization of Returns Anu Antony Management studies 2016
Page 7. Prevention and management of latex glove allergy. (Thesis: Natural Rubber Latex Allergy: Occupational Exposure to Latex Gloves among Clinical Laboratory workers ) Sagi T.M Physiology 2018
Page 2. management education – a profile. (Thesis: A study on organizational citizenship behavior among members of the faculty in the b-schools of Kerala Elizabeth Dominic Management studies 2019
Page 5. Exchange rate determination and management in India. (Thesis: Exchange Rate Volatility And the Role of RBI ) Nimisha C Nair Economics 2019
Page 6. Sustainable management of the River. (Thesis: Fisheries resources of the middle region of Pampa river in relation to abiotic and biotic Parameters Ninu Thomas Zoology 2020
Page 6. Carbon sequestration potential of rubberplantations under different soil management units(SMU’s) of Kerala. (Thesis: Carbon sequestration potential of major land use systems in the western ghats with special reference to rubber Hevea brasiliensis Muell Arg ) Phebe Joseph Environmental science and atmospheric science 2021
Page 2. Flood, State, Economy and Disaster management. (Thesis: Contextualising the travancore flood of 1924 landscape changes and state policies Meenu Jacob History 2022
Page 5. NTFP and its management in Kerala with special reference to Malai Pandaram. (Thesis: Ethnobiological studies of forest dwellers a case of malai pandaram in the Southern western ghats ) Arun Sasi S Environmental science 2022

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