Query: 1966-1980 of 4108 Results
Online Theses Library of MG University
Category Title / Sections Scholar Branch of Study Year
Title Study of surface Plasmon polaritons in dielectric/metal multilayer structures Anju Babu Physics 2014
Title Relocating Arabic language and literature with reference to Arabic journalism in India (1950-2000) Anees Alangadan Arabic literature 2014
Title Human rights as visualised in Quran and its social and literary perspectives Mohammed Chenadan Arabic literature 2014
Title Magnitude and determinants of unpaid care work in a local setting: Implications on human wellbeing Anila Skariah Economics 2014
Title Role of family in the education of tribal students Suresh, V S Special education 2014
Title Some problems on fixed point theory Aswathy, M R Mathematics 2014
Title Investigation on Coral reef of Lakshadweep Archipelago with special reference to butterfly fishes Idrees Babu, K K Environmental science 2014
Title Tunable thermo-optical properties of fluids using nanoparticles Rajesh Kumar, B Physics 2014
Title Complexes of chromium (III) and manganese (II) with some Schiff bases derived from antipyrine Thomas, V T Chemistry 2014
Title Some contributions to the use of auxiliary information in sample surveys Merry Eapen Statistics 2006
Title Time resolved spectroscopy and energy transfer mechanism in optical materials using laser excitation Ajithkumar, G Physics 1998
Title Production of ribosome-inactivating proteins in the cultured cells of Momordica charantia Sinilal, B Biochemistry 2003
Title सर्वेश्वर दयाल सक्सेना का काव्य-संसार : एक अध्ययन (A study of the poetic works of Sarveswar Dayal Sexena) Deepa George (दीपा जाँर्ज) Hindi literature 2003
Title People’s campaign for the Ninth Plan: A study of decentralised planning in three Gram panchayats of Kannur District in Kerala Kunhambu, V V Gandhian studies (political sc 2003
Title Productivity of coconut cultivation in Kerala Lathika, M Economics 2003

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