Query: 1906-1920 of 4108 Results
Online Theses Library of MG University
Category Title / Sections Scholar Branch of Study Year
Title A study on human resource practices of textile mill industry in Kerala Krishnakumar, G Management studies 2014
Title Society in the Kathasaritsagara Priya Jose, K English literature 2014
Title Effectiveness of certain information processing models on achievement in English of students at secondary level Rajan, K Education 2014
Title Turnaround in Indian railways: A study with special reference to Southern railway Sethu Ravi, R Commerce 2014
Title यशपाल का कथा साहित्य सामाजिक राजनीतिक सन्दर्भ में (Yeshpal ka katha sahitya samajik rajnaitik sandarbh mein) Santha, M (शान्ता, एम) Hindi literature 2014
Title The role of Holy Bible in Catholic Church’s communication techniques in Kerala society with special reference to the Beatitudes Robi Augustine Communication and journalism 2014
Title Absorption in the pulse profiles of accretion powered x-ray pulsars Jincy Devasia Physics 2014
Title Evaluation of antagonistic potential of a bacterial endo-symbiont against Phytophthora meadii causing abnormal leaf fall disease of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) Amith Abraham Biotechnology 2014
Title Studies on the potentials of earthworm species as bioremediating and biological control agents Sujatha, S Environmental science 2014
Title The pathogenic bacteria in the gut of Periplanata americana with special reference to Listeria species Shini Zacharia Microbiology 2014
Title Synthesis and characterization of marine yeast polysaccharides Savitha K Koilery Biotechnology 2014
Title ആഖ്യാനവും പ്രതിനിധാനവും ജനപ്രിയ മലയാള സിനിമകളെ മുന്‍ നിര്‍ത്തിയുള്ള പഠനം (Narration and representation: A study based on popular Malayalam cinema) Babumon Edampadam (ബാബുമോന്‍ ഇടംപാടം) Malayalam literature 2014
Title Developing a computer assisted instructional package for learning organic chemistry at higher secondary level Jisha Baby Education 2014
Title Effectiveness of drawing skill oriented instructional approach on achievement in basic science of students at primary level Manoj, A V Education 2014
Title Allocation of time of working women in Kerala: A comparative study across occupations Ramya, R Economics 2014

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