Query: 1891-1905 of 4108 Results
Online Theses Library of MG University
Category Title / Sections Scholar Branch of Study Year
Title Palestine issue in the contemporary Saudi poetry Jafar Sadik, P P Arabic literature 2014
Title Self assembly of wide band semiconducting and metallic nanoparticles Revathy, K P Physics 2014
Title Mutual fund investors’ behaviour in Kerala Basil John Thomas Business administration 2014
Title Impact of replacement migration on wages and employment on construction sector in Kerala Liji, K T Economics 2014
Title The emergence of women as the protagonist in Shashi Deshpande’s fiction Bose, R English literature 2014
Title Influence of quality preference on urban food consumption in Kerala Santhosh, R Economics 2014
Title Employment of women in the service sector in Kerala: A case study of Pathanamthitta and Alappuzha districts Shyni T Alexander Economics 2014
Title Effectiveness of yoga as an instructional strategy peace education for secondary school students Suramya Mathai Education 2014
Title Biochemical and molecular delineation of Navara punja a rare medicinal rice landrace of Kerala Shiny Mary Varghese Environmental science 2014
Title On the category of L-fuzzy groups Alexander Mendez Mathematics 2014
Title A study of economic equilibria using fuzzy and intuitionistic fuzzy mathematical tools Annie Varghese Mathematics 2014
Title Structural, mechanical and thermal properties of PVA-metal oxide nanocomposites Gandhi, S Chemistry 2014
Title Data mining for web intelligence Rajimol, A Computer science 2014
Title Social determinants of geriatric health in Kerala context Ann Kavitha Mathew Gandhian studies (social medic 2014
Title Interrelationship among multiple intelligences and science interest: An analytical study on students at primary level Prakash Alex Education 2014

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