Query: 1861-1875 of 4108 Results
Online Theses Library of MG University
Category Title / Sections Scholar Branch of Study Year
Title Phytochemical and pharmacological studies on certain selected Medicinal plants Priya Thambi, T Biotechnology 2010
Title Design of imprinted polymers with enhanced metal ion selectivity Bindu, M S Chemistry 2014
Title Microwave assisted reactions using polyvinylpyrrolidone supported reagents Saju M Sebastian Chemistry 2014
Title Distribution, reproductive morphology and agar content of the agarophytes of Kerala Jaya Lekshmi, R Botany 2014
Title Studies in integrability of nonlinear dynamical systems Lakshmi Parameswar Physics 2014
Title Scholastic backwardness, science process skills and scientific creativity of upper primary students Kumari S Girija Special education 2014
Title Studies on taxonomy of pheidole westwood: A major genus of subfamily Myrmicinae (Formicidae:Hymenoptera) of Kerala Presty John Zoology 2014
Title Ethnobotanical and crystallographic studies of selected antiurolithiatic medicinal plants Diana, K J Environmental science 2014
Title The idea of womanhood in the social philosophy of Swami Vivekananda Nagamony, P S Philosophy 2014
Title Adolescents in contemporary Kerala family: Issues and challenges Maries, V L Sociology 2014
Title അധികാരവും പ്രതിരോധവും നാടന്‍കലകളില്‍ (Power and resistance in folk arts) Girishkumar, S (ഗിരീഷ്കുമാര്‍, എസ്) Malayalam literature 2014
Title Legal control over electronic media in India Ahamed Iqbal, V T Law 2014
Title ആധുനിക ചിത്രകലയിലും കവിതയിലും പ്രകടമാകുന്ന സമാനതകള്‍ (Emerging congruent trends in modern art and poem) Rekha, K (രേഖ, കെ) Malayalam literature 2014
Title People development practices and tourism delivery performances: A study with special reference to public sector tourism agencies in Kerala Murali, E Commerce 2014
Title Human resource management practices in hotel industry in Kerala Rajesh, T Commerce 2014

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