Query: 1336-1350 of 4108 Results
Online Theses Library of MG University
Category Title / Sections Scholar Branch of Study Year
Title Multi-component reactions in synthesis of Heterocycles Prasanth K Menon Chemistry 2011
Title Development finance and Life Insurance Corporation George, T U Commerce 2011
Title Imaging African womanhood: A womanist reading of selected works of Buchi Emecheta Sujarani Mathew English literature 2011
Title Primary health care in Kerala – Role of village level health workers Sabeena Thomas Gandhian studies 2011
Title Assessment and management of behavioural problems in persons with Dementia Roy K George Behavioural science 2011
Title A study of adoptive families in Kerala Lizy, P J Social work 2011
Title Effect of spherical and layered type fillers on the morphology and physicomechanical properties of Natural rubber nanocomposites Meera, A P Chemistry 2011
Title സ്വത്വരാഷ്ട്രീയം: പാഠവും പ്രശ്നവല്‍ക്കരണവും - ദളിത് ആത്മകഥകളെ മുന്‍നിര്‍ത്തി ഒരു പഠനം (Identity polities: Text and problematization: A study based on Dalit autobiographies) Santhosh, O K (സന്തോഷ്, ഓ കെ) Malayalam literature 2011
Title Economic growth and equity: A case study of development programmes of the Kottayam District, under decentralised planning Gresamma Mathew Social science 2011
Title Enviromental status of Manimala River basin with special reference to pollution due to pilgrimage tourism and other human activities Antony, K J Environmental science 2011
Title Psychosocial well-being of adolescent girls: An intervention study Sheeja Remani B Karalam Social work 2011
Title Public borrowings- A financial management perspective: A study with special reference to Government of Kerala Domini, V A Commerce 2011
Title Psychosocial adjustments and vocational aspirations of hearing impaired students at Higher secondary level Sreeja, S Education 2011
Title Biodegradation of Anionic surfactant Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate (SDS) and analysis of its metabolic products Ambily, P S Microbiology 2011
Title Contemporary journalistic trends- A Gandhian critique Aby P Joy Journalism 2011

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