Query: 1951-1965 of 4108 Results
Online Theses Library of MG University
Category Title / Sections Scholar Branch of Study Year
Title Customer service in State Bank of Travancore: A comparative study with Federal Bank Ltd James Vallavanthara Commerce 2014
Title Kinetic and mechanistic studies of the degradation of organic pollutants using advanced oxidation process Shoniya Thomas Chemistry 2014
Title Quality circles and employee performance – A study based on private sector industries in Kerala Francis, C T Commerce 2014
Title Studies on the low temperature prevulcanisation of natural rubber latex Devi, P V Chemistry 2014
Title Study of some electrostatic plasma instabilities in multi-ion plasmas Noble P Abraham Physics 2014
Title The probiotic and health promoting capabilities of Enterococcus faecium isolated from infant feces Anjali Anne Jacob Biotechnology 2014
Title Elephantopus scaber Linn – A traditional medicinal plant as a hepatoprotectant Sheeba K Oommen Biochemistry 2014
Title Concept of mind in the principal Upanishads Jayaprakash, B Philosophy 2014
Title Advaita and new science Harish, D Philosophy 2014
Title Agrobacterium mediated molecular breeding in Hevea brasiliensis for crop improvement Rekha, K Biotechnology 2014
Title Studies on the captive breeding and reproductive biology of two indigenous ornamental fishes of the Western Ghats Eapen Jacob Fishery science 2014
Title Sustainability of women empowerment – A critical analysis of the Kudumbasree programme in Kerala Jacob John Gandhian studies (political sc 2014
Title Conflicts in organisations and its impact on the efficiency and effectiveness in the public and private enterprises in Kerala in the light of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation Poulose, P A Commerce 2014
Title Political economy of the Theyyam – A study of the time-space homology Rajesh Komath Economics 2014
Title Ecology and biodiversity of freshwater microalgae in the selected areas of the Western Ghats Mohamed Nasser, K M Environmental science 2014

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