Query: 1621-1635 of 4108 Results
Online Theses Library of MG University
Category Title / Sections Scholar Branch of Study Year
Title A study on guarantee and warranty in the marketing of consumer durables Saji Abraham Management studies 2013
Title Development of a multimedia package for students at primary level with dyslexia Sheeba Krishnan Education 2013
Title സംഘസാഹിത്യപാരമ്പര്യവും ആധുനിക മലയാള സാഹിത്യവും (Sangham tradition and modern Malayalam literature) Suma Cyriac (സുമ സിറിയക്ക്) Malayalam literature 2013
Title Gender mainstreaming: A study among Catholic Diocesan Social Service Societies in Kerala Jolly K James Social work 2013
Title Pharmacological actions of Lutein isolated from Marigold flower with special reference to cancer cell proliferation Sindhu, E R Biochemistry 2013
Title Soft computing approaches for image restoration and enhancement Madhu S Nair Computer science 2013
Title Taxonomy, distribution and ecology of the Riparian flora of Pamba river, Kerala Joby Paul Environmental science 2013
Title ശരീരവും പ്രതിനിധാനവും: ടെലിവി‍ഷന്‍ പരസ്യങ്ങളെ ആധാരമാക്കി കേരളീയ സാംസ്കാരിക ചരിത്ര സന്ദര്‍ഭത്തില്‍ ഒരു പഠനം (Body and representation - A study based on television advertisements with special reference to the cultural and historical context of Kerala) Santhosh Manicheri (സന്തോഷ് മാനിച്ചേരി) Malayalam literature 2010
Title Studies on some transformations involving monomeric and polymeric metal maleates and fumarates James C Joseph Chemistry 2010
Title Performance evaluation of self help groups programme in Kerala Jayachandran, C Commerce 2009
Title Impact of bacterial stress on two fresh water fishes: A study to elucidate the effect of bacterial pollution in Pamba River Sherly Annie Oommen Environmental science 2009
Title Mean-variance approach of portfolio management: An empirical analysis of Indian experience Francy, T V Economics 2009
Title Effectiveness of community participation in raising productivity and production – A case of vegetable cultivation in Kerala Jaya Anitha Abraham Economics 2009
Title Studies on the ecology and behaviour of white breasted Water hen, Amauromis, Phoenicurur (Pennant)- (Aves- Rallidae) Gopakumar, P S Zoology 2009
Title Application of information processing models in teaching Mathematics at secondary level Anila Anna Mani Education 2009

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