Query: 61-75 of 574 Results
Online Theses Library of MG University
Category Title / Sections Scholar Branch of Study Year
Title Impact of Value Added Tax on the financial and tax management practices of the VAT assessees of Kerala Rejesh, M N Commerce 2011
Title A study of HRD strategies and practices in Federal Co-operatives in Kerala Jayamohanan Nair, V Management studies 2011
Title Industry requirements for and competence of engineering graduates – A study Jose, K J (Fr) Gandhian studies 2011
Title Effectiveness of participative management in the industrial sector of Kerala Deepu Jose Sebastian Commerce 2010
Title Marketing approach to public road transport management Balakrishnan, N C Management studies 2010
Title A study on the human resource management of the sick public sector units under the Department of Industries in Kerala State Kala, V Commerce 2013
Title Technology in banks and its impact on operational efficiency and risk management with special reference to Commercial banks in Kerala: An econometric analysis Manoj, P K Economics 2010
Title A comparative study of autocratic and democratic styles of management in industries of Kerala Mathews, G G Management studies 2010
Title Performance of modern small enterprises in Kerala – A diagnostic approach Tomy Mathew Economics 2010
Title Investments of State Governments A study with reference to Government of Kerala Johnson Varghese Commerce 2010
Title The role of total quality management in ISO 9000 certified manufacturing organizations - A case study of select units in Kerala Mathew Joseph Management studies 2010
Title Disaster management: The role of local self Government and the community participation in Kerala Rajeev, M M International relations 2013
Title A study on guarantee and warranty in the marketing of consumer durables Saji Abraham Management studies 2013
Title Mean-variance approach of portfolio management: An empirical analysis of Indian experience Francy, T V Economics 2009
Title Total quality management in higher education in Kerala Viswanathan, C N Economics 2009

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