Query: 16-30 of 574 Results
Online Theses Library of MG University
Category Title / Sections Scholar Branch of Study Year
Title Fishery management in Periyar Lake Minimol, K C Zoology 2001
Title Forest Industries Travancore Limited, Aluva - An evaluative study Sybila Pius Fernandez Commerce 2005
Title Fund management in Grama Panchayats in Kerala Sukumaran, V P Economics 2006
Title Governmental control over banking management Saroja, A S Law 2006
Title Human resource management in Commercial Taxes Department of Kerala George, M M Commerce 2006
Title Human resource management in selected Public Sector Undertakings in Kerala Sreedhar P Nair Commerce 2005
Title Human resource management practices in Tea plantation industry: A Gandhian critique George, A J Gandhian studies 2003
Title management of fragile wetland ecosystem in Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary with respect to its aquatic Avifauna Seema, K Zoology 2005
Title management of marketing systems for perishable agriculture commodities in Kerala: Problems and prospects Binoi K Kurian Gandhian studies 2008
Title management of Public expenditure: A study with special reference to Government of Kerala Johnson, V Commerce 2007
Title management of risk factors of investing in corporate securities Elsamma Joseph Commerce 2002
Title management of Tourism industry in Kerala George, P O Commerce 2004
Title Marketing of financial services by Commercial banks in Kerala - A case study of State Bank of Travancore Raman Nair, V Management studies 2004
Title People’s campaign for planning in Kerala - A study of the participatory methodology of planning and implementation Sudhakaran, M N International relations 2006
Title People’s planning and participatory management - A Gandhian critique Isaac P Abraham Gandhian studies 2006

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