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I. Introduction
PLATE - I TROPIDONOTUS, Natrix uiscator piscator Schneider.
PLATE - II RATSNAKE, Ptyas mucasus Linne
PLATE - III COBRA, Naja naja naja L.inne
II. Materials and methods
Food -getting and feeding behaviour
Epidermal structure of the tongue
Osteological elements
Quantitative analysis of the bony elements
A. Disposition and preservation
B. Quantitative myology
C. The force of adduction
D. The force of abduction
PLATE - IV Diagrammatic representation of the lever systems involving the opening and closing of the jaws.
E. The force of protraction
F. The force of retraction
Histochemical observations
III. Food-getting and feeding behaviour
Field observations
Analysis of stomach contents
IV. Epidermal structure of the tongue
PLATE - V Fig.1, 2 & 3 Diagrammatic representation of snakes tounge. Fig. 4. 5 & 6 Scanning electron micrographs showing the epidermal structure of the tongue of tropjdnnotus.
PLATE - VI Scanning electron micrographs showing the epidermal structure of the tongue o f: (1) Rat snake (2) Cobra
V. Osteology of the skull and the ligaments associated
1. Jaw apparatus
2. Nasal and orbital region
3. Cranium
PLATE - VII Skull of tropidonotus.
PLATE - Vlll Skull of ratsnake.
PLATE - IX Skull of cobra.
Quadrato-mandibular joint and the cranio-facial hinge
I. Quadrato-mandibular joint
Cranio-facial hinge
Ligaments of the skull
VI. Structure and disposition of the muscles of the feeding apparatus, and its operative efficiency
1.Structure and disposition
A. Jaw-muscles
1. Adductors of the lower jaw
1.a. M, Adductor mandibulae externus superficialis
PLATE - X Jaw-muscles of tropidonotus.
PLATE - XI Jaw-muscles of ratsnake.
PLATE - X II Jaw-muscles of cobra.
PLATE - XIII Nerve supply to the jaw-muscles of tropidonotus (Fig.1)ratsnake (Fig.2) and cobra (Fig: 3) .
PLATE - XIII Nerve supply to the jaw-muscles oftropidonotus (Fig.1)ratsnake (Fig.2) and cobra (Fig: 3) .
1.b. M. Adductor mandibulae externus medialis
I. c. Adductor mandibulae externus profundus
1.d. M.Adductor mandibulae posterior
1.e. M.Pseudotemporalis
2. Abductors of the lower jaw
2.a. M.Depressor mandibulae anterior
2.b. M. Depressor mandibulae posterior
3. Protractors of the upper jaw
3.a. M. Protractor pterygoidei
3.b. M. Levator pterygoidei
3.c. M. Protractor quadrati
4. Protractors of the lower jaw and retractors of the upper jaw
4.a. M. Pterygoideus
4.b. M. Pterygoideus accessories
5. Retractors of the upper jaw
5.a. M. Retractor pterygoidei.
5.b. M. Retractor vomeris
5.c. M. Cervico-mandibularis
5.d. M. Neuro-mandibularis
B. Hyoid-muscles and Tongue-muscles
a. Hyoid-muscles
PLATE - XIV Diagrammatic representation of the snake-hyoid muscles and tongue-muscles.
b. Tongue-muscles
II. Operative efficiency of the feeding apparatus
1. Lever systems of the feeding apparatus
2. Quantitative myology
VII. Histochemical observations on the metabolites, some related enzymes and neuromuscular junctions of the major jaw-muscles
PLATE - XV T.S.of the jaw-muscles of tropidonotus stained for fat.
PLATE - XVI T.S. of the jaw-muscles of ratsnake stained for fat.
PLATE - XVII T.S. of the jaw-muscles o f cobra stained for fat.
PLATE - XVIII T.S. of the jaw-muscles of tropidonotus stained for glycogen.
PLATE - XIX T.S. of the jaw-muscles of ratsnake stained for glycogen.
PLATE - XX T.S. of the jaw-muscles of cobra stained for glycogen
PLATE -XXI T.S. of the jaw-muscles of tropidonotus stained for SDHactivity.
PLATE - XXII T.S. of the jaw-muscles of ratsnake stained for SDH activity
PLATE - XXIII T.S. of the jaw-muscles of cobra stained for SDH activity.
PLATE - XXIV T.S. of the jaw-muscles of tropidonotus stained for phosphorylase activity.
PLATE - XXV T.S. of the jaw-muscles of ratsnke stained for phosphorylase activity.
PLATE - XXVI T.S. of the jaw-muscles o f cobra stained for phosphorylase activity.
PLATE - XXVII T.S. of the jaw-muscles of tropidonotus showing the distributionof fibres stained for alkali-stabile ATPgase.
PLATE - XXVIII T.S. of the jaw-muscles of ratsnake showing the distribution of fibres stained for alkali-stabile ATFase.
PLATE - XXIX T.S. of the jaw-muscles of cobra showing the distribution of fibres stained for alkali-stabile ATPase.
PLATE - XXX T.S. of the jaw-muscles of tropidonotus showing the distribution of fibres stained for acid-stabile ATPase
PLATE - XXXI T.S. of the jaw-muscles of ratsnake showing the distribution of fibres stained for acid-stabile ATPase.
PLATE - XXXII T.S. of the jaw-muscles of cobra showing the distribution of fibres stained for acid-stabile ATPase.
PLATE - XXXIII T.S. of the jaw-muscles of tropidonotus stained for alkaline phos phosphatase.
PLATE - XXXIV T.S. of the jaw-muscles of ratsnake stained for alkaline phosphatase.
PLATE - XXXV T.S. of the jaw-muscles of cobra stained for alkaline phosphatase.
PLATE - XXXVI T.S. of the jaw-muscles of tropidonotus stained for acid phosphatase.
PLATE - XXXVII T.S. of the jaw-muscles of ratsnake stained for acid phosphatase.
PLATE - XXXVIII T.S. of the jaw-muscles o f cobra stained for acid phosphatase.
PLATE - XXXIX T.S. of the jaw-muscles of tropidonotus showing LDH localization in the mitochondria.
PLATE - XL T.S. of the jaw-muscles of ratsnake showing LDH localization in the mitochondria.
PLATE - XLI T.S. of the jaw-muscles o f cobra showing LDH localization in the mitochondria..
PLATE - XLII T.S. of the jaw-muscles of tropidonotus stained for OC-GPDH.
PLATE - XLIII T.S. of the jaw-muscles of ratsnake stained for OC-GPDH.
PLATE - XLIV T.S. of the jaw-muscles of cobra stained for OC-GPDH.
PLATE - XLV The jaw-muscles of tropidonotus showing the localization of AChE at the neuromuscular junctions.
PLATE- XLVl The jaw-muscles of ratsnake showing the localization of AChE at the neuromuscular junctions.
PLATE- XLVII The jaw-muscles of cobra showing the localization of AChE at the neuromuscular junctions.
PLATE - XLVIII The jaw-muscles of tropidonotus showing the localization of BuChE at the neurontuscular junctions.
PLATE - XLIX The jaw-muscles of ratsnake showing the localization of BuChE at the neuromuscular junctions.
PLATE - L The jaw-muscles of cobra showing the localization of BuChE at the neurontuscular junctions.
α-Glycerophosphate dehydrogenase
VIII. Discussion
1. Food- getting and feeding behaviour
2. Epidermal structure of the tongue
3. Bony elements and ligaments of the skull
4.. Muscles of the feeding apparatus and its operative efficiency.
1. Muscles of the feeding appartus
2. Operative efficiency
5. General histochemical organization of the jaw-muscles
IX. Summary and conclusions
X. Works cited