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1.1 Introduction
1.2 Concepts and issues
1.3 Review of literature
1.4 Statement of the problem
1.1 Rural gross capital expenditures in India
1.5 Objectives
1.6 Hypotheses
1.7 Scope of the study
1.8 Methodology
a) Sample households
b) The schedule of enquiry
c) Working definitions of concepts
d) Tools of analysis
e) Limitations of the study
1.9 Scheme of the study
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Growth rate - the Indian experience
2.1 Gross domestic product at factor cost at current and constant prices
2.3 Sectoral composition of Gross Domestic Product
2.2 Gross domestic product by industry of origin (at constant prices)
2.4 Trends in domestic saving and investment
2.3 Domestic saving of institutions (as percent of GDP)
2.5 Sectoral composition of saving
2.5.1 Household sector
2.4 Sectoral composition of saving
2.5 Household saving - composition of financial assets Composition of financial assets in household saving Share of physical assets in household saving
2.5.2 Private corporate sector saving
2.6 Private corporate saving
2.5.3 Public saving
2.7 Gross domestic saving - public sector
2.6 Trends in capital formation
2.8 Gross capital formation by type of institutions
2.9 Average annual sector-wise and asset-wise distribution of investment during plan periods
2.10 Institution-wise distribution of capital formation by type of assets
2.7 Asset-wise distribution of gross capital formation
2.8 Sectoral distribution of gross capital formation
2.8.1 Public sector capital formation
2.8.2 Private corporate sector
2.8.3 Household sector
2.11 Gross capital formation by industry of origin
2.9 Saving, investment and growth causality
2.10 Growth of state domestic product and capital formation in Kerala
2.10.1 Growth of state domestic income
2.12 State domestic prod-act, sectoral composition and per capita income in Kerala at current prices (1950-51 to 2000-2001)
2.13 State domestic product by industry of origin at constant prices.
2.10.2 Sectoral composition
2.10.3 Saving and capital formation in the state
Per cent of the SDP
2.14 Deposits and credit deposit ratio in Kerala
2.15 Deposits mobilized by primary agricultural credit societies in Kerala
2.16 Average gross capital expenditure per household in different years in rural Kerala
2.17 Average fixed capital formation per household in rural Kerala in different years
3.1 Introduction
3.1Socio-economic features of the sample villages
3.2 Socio-economic characteristics
3.2.1 Demographic characteristics
3.2 Distribution of sample population according to age and sex Earners and dependents
3.3 Earners and non-earning dependents in the sample Number of earners
3.4 Distribution of sample households according to number of earners Level of education
3.5 Distribution of sample population according to the level of education Occupation and level of education
3.6 Distribution of households according to occupation and level of education of the head of the household Sex and education of heads of households
3.7 Distribution of sample households according to sex and education of heads of households
3.2.2 Size and pattern of assets
3.8 Distribution of households according to ownership of land
3.2.3 Land under different crops
3.9 Nature and extent of land possessed by different occupation groups
3.2.4 Value of assets - all households
3.10 Nature and extent of land possessed by different occupation groups - villages separate
3.11 Asset pattern and average asset value of all households
3.2.5 Asset pattern of cultivator and non-cultivator households
3.12 Asset pattern of cultivator and non-cultivator households
3.13 Asset pattern of cultivator and non-cultivator households – villages separate
3.2.6 Distribution of assets
3.14 Distribution of households according to relative share of different asset groups in the assets
3.3 Sources of income for the occupation groups
3.15 Classification of income from main and supplementary sources for the occupational groups
3.16 Classification of income from main and supplementary sources for the occupational groups - villages separate
3.4 Income and consumption expenditure pattern
3.4.1 Income distribution in the sample households
3.17 Pattern of income distribution in the sample households
3.4.2 Average income and consumption expenditures of occupation groups
3.18 Average income and consumption expenditure of occupation groups
3.19 Average income and consumption expenditure of occupation groups - villages separate
3.4.3 Income and consumption expenditures of income groups
3.20 Average income and consumption expenditures of different income groups
3.21 Average income and consumption expenditures of different income groups - villages separate
3.4.4 Size of the household and consumption expenditures
3.22 Average income and consumption expenditures of households according to size of the households
3.23 Average income and consumption expenditures of households according to size of the households - villages separate
3.4.5 Income and expenditure of savers and dissavers of occupation groups
3.24 Average income and consumption expenditures on food and non food items by saving and dissaving households of occupation groups
3.25 Average income and consumption expenditures on food and non food items by saving; and dissaving households of occupation groups - villages separate
3.4.6 Income and consumption expenditures of savers and dissavers in the income groups
3.26 Average income and consumption expenditures on food and non food items by saving and dissaving households in different income groups
3.27 Average income and consumption expenditures on food and non food items by saving and dissaving households in different income groups - villages separate
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Demographic factors of saving
4.3 Age of the head of the household and saving
4.1 Age of the head of the households, average income and saving
4.2 Age of the head of the households, average income and saving - village separate
4.4 Dependency ratios and saving
4.3 Number of dependents, income and saving
4.4 Number of dependents, income and saving - villages separate
4.5 Male and female children and saving
4.5 Number of unmarried female children, income and saving
4.6 Number of unmarried female children, income and saving – villages separate
4.7 Number of male children above 10 years of age income and saving
4.8 Number of male children above 10 years of age income and saving - villages separate
4.6 Education of the head of the household and saving
4.9 Education of the head of the household, income and saving
4.10 Education of the head of the household, income and saving - villages separate
4.7 Number of earners and saving
4.11 Number of earners, income and saving
4.12 Number of earners, income and saving - villages separate
4.8 Occupation groups and saving
4.13 Income and saving of different occupation groups
4.14 Income and saving of different occupation groups – villages separate
4.9 Income and saving
4.15 Income and saving of households of different income strata
4.16 Income and saving of households of different income strata - villages separate
4.10 Income inequalities and saving
4.11 Assets, income and saving
4.17 Income and saving of different asset groups
4.18 Income and saving of different asset groups - villages separate
4.19 Regression table
4.12 Motivations for saving
4.20 Ranking of motivations for saving
4.21 Ranking of motivations for saving - villages separate
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Financial saving
5.1 Investment of saving in financial assets
5.2 Investment of saving in financial assets - villages separate
5.3 Physical saving
5.3 Investment of saving in physical assets
5.4 Investment of saving in physical assets - villages separate
5.4 Financial and physical investment of different occupation groups
5.5 Pattern of investment of different occupation groups - financial
5.4.1 Financial investment of occupation groups
5.6 Pattern of investment of different occupation groups - financial - villages separate
5.4.2 Pattern of physical investment of occupation groups
5.7 Pattern of investment of different occupation groups - physical
5.8 Pattern of investment of different occupation groups - physical - villages separate
5.4.3 Liabilities and current saving of occupation groups
5.9 Financial, physical, total saving and liabilities of different occupation groups
5.10 Financial, physical, total saving and liabilities of different occupation groups - villages separate
5.5 Income level and pattern of investment
5.5.1 Financial investment of income groups
5.11 Pattern of investment of different income groups - financial
5.12 Pattern of investment of different income groups - financial - villages separate
5.5.2 Pattern of physical investment of income groups
5.13 Pattern of investment of different income groups - physical
5.14 Pattern of investment of different income groups - physical - villages separate
5.5.3 Liabilities and current saving of income groups
5.15 Financial, physical and total saving and liabilities of income groups
5.16 Financial, physical and total investment and liabilities of income groups - villages separate
5.6 Level of education and pattern of investment
5.6.1 Financial investment and level of education
5.17 Pattern of investment according to level of education - financial
5.18 Pattern of investment according to level of education - financial - villages separate
5.6.2 Education level and pattern of physical investment
5.19 Pattern of investment according to level of education - physical
5.20 Pattern of investment according to level of education - physical - villages separate
5.6.3 Liabilities, current saving and level of education
5.21 Financial, physical and total investment and liabilities of households according to level of education
5.22 Financial, physical and total investment and liabilities of households according to level of education - villages separate
5.7 Analysis of liabilities incurred
5.23 Addition to liabilities of sample households
5.24 Addition to liabilities of sample households - villages separate
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Problems of financial investment
6.2.1 Lack of funds
6.1 Ranking of problems related to financial investment
6.2.2 Formalities involved
6.2.3 Lack of sufficient returns
6.2.4 Risk of capital loss
6.2.5 Lack of agents to collect the saving
6.2.6 Lack of Bank Branches
6.2 Ranking of problems related to financial investment – villages separate
6.3 Problems related to physical investment
6.3 Ranking of problems related to investment in physical assets
6.3.1 Lack of funds
6.3.2 Risk of capital loss
6.3.3 Formalities involved
6.4 Ranking of problems related to investment in physical assets - villages separate
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Sources of income of the occupation groups
7.3 Income distribution among occupation groups
7.4 Consumption expenditure pattern among the occupation groups
7.5 Income distribution and consumption pattern of income groups
7.6 Size of the household and consumption expenditure
7.7 Income and consumption expenditure of savers and dissavers
7.8 Age of the head of the household and saving
7.9 Dependency ratios and saving
7.10 Male and female children and saving
7.11 Education of head of the household and saving
7.12 Number of earners and saving
7.13 Occupation and saving
7.14 Income and saving
7.15 Assets and saving
7.16 Motivations for saving
7.17 Pattern of financial investment
7.18 Pattern of physical investment
7.19 Investment pattern of occupation groups
7.20 Investment pattern of income groups
7.21 Level of education and pattern of investment
7.22 Liabilities of rural households
7.23 Problems related to saving and investment
7.24 Recommendations
7.25 Contributions of the researcher
7.26 Areas for future research