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1 Introduction
Part-A: Ferroelectric ceramics- A review
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Advanced ceramics
1.3 Electronic ceramics
1.4 Niobates and related relaxor ferroelectrics
1.5 Ferroelectrics as electro-optic materials
1.6 Ferroelectric devices
1.7 Ferroelectric ceramics with tungsten bronze structure [TTB]
1.8 Strontium barium niobate ceramics (SBN)
1.9 Effect of alkali metal and rare earth metal doing on SBN ceramics
1.10 Barium sodium niobate ceramics (BNN)
Part-B, Effect of Swift heavy ion irradiation on physical properties of materials
1. 11 Introduction
1. 12 Radiation effects in solids
1.12.1 Excitation
1. 13 Interaction of heavy ions with materials
1.13. I Elastic interactions
1.13.2 Inelastic interactions
1.13.3 Knock-on atom displacement
1. 14 Swift heavy ion based material science research at NSC, New Delhi
1.14.1 On-line measurements
1.14.2 In-situ measurements
1.14.3 Effects of SHI on ceramic materials
1.15 References
2 Preparation of ferroelectric ceramics
2. 1 Introduction
2.2 Preparation of ferroelectric ceramics
2. 2.1 Weighing and mixing
2.2. 2 Dry and semidry pressing methods
2.2.3 Die compaction
2. 3 Sintering and densification process in practice
2. 3. 1 Sintering process variables
2.3.2 Control of heating schedule
Stage 1: Binder burtiout
Fig. 2. 2 show the photograph of high temperature fUmace using silicon carbideheating elements, on the right side the control unit, which uses a rnicroptoce~rb asedPID temperature control system.
Stage 2: Low temperature soak.
Stage 3: Heat-up to the sintering temperature
Stage 4: Isothermal sintering
Stage 5: Cooling
2.3.3 Solid state reactions
2.4 Calcination
2. 5 Porous materials
2. 6 Binder systems
2. 6. 1 Mixing of the feed materials
2.6. 2 Binder removal
2.6. 3 Stage and mechanisms of thermal debinding
2.6.4 Models of thermal debinding
2.7 Sintering mechanisms
2.8 Mixed powder sintering
2.9 Enhanced solid state sintering
2.10 Liquid phase sintering
2.11 Preparation of strontium barium niobate ceramics (SBN)
2.12. 1Preparation of [SrU0.6, Bau0.39]4-2x, Li2+x, Eux, Nb10O30 and [SrU.61Ba0.39]4-2x, Li2+x, NdxNbI0O30
2.13 Preparation of barium niobate ceramics (BNN) and Ba3-2, Na4+x, Ndx, Nb10O30
2.14 References
3 Microstructural analysis of SBN and BNN ceramics
3. 1 Introduction
3.2 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
3.3 Experimental technique
3.4 Results and discussions
Fig. Caption 3.1
Fig. Caption 3.7
3.4.1 Effects of alkali and rare earth ion in strontium barium niobate
Fig. Caption 3.13
3.4.2 Microstructural development in BNN ceramics
Fig. Caption 3.19
Fig. Caption 3.25
3. 5 Grain boundaries
3.6 Grain growth
3. 6.1 Occurance of grain growth
3.6. 2 Mechanism and kinetics of grain growth
3. 6 3 General kinetic formulation
3.6. 4 Intrinsic mechanism
3. 6. 5 Solute segregate
3. 7 Grain growth and coarsening
3. 8 Normal and abnormal grain growth
3. 8. 1 Abnormal grain growth
3.9 Importance of controlling grain growth
3. 10 Effect of grain size on properties
3. 11 References
4 X-ray diffraction studies on strontium barium niobate Ceramics
4. 1 Introduction
4. 2 X-ray powder diffraction
4. 3 Determination of crystal structure
4. 4 Phase analysis
4. 5 Experimental procedure
4.6 Results and discussions
4.7 References
5 X- ray diffraction studies on barium sodium niobate Ceramics
5. 1 Introduction
5.2 Experimental method
5. 3 Results and discussion
5.3. 1 Broadened Lines
5. 4 References
6 Dielectric properties of SBN and BNN ceramics
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Ferroelectric ceramics
6.3 Properties of ferroelectrics
6.3.1 Dielectric constant and dielectric loss
6.4 Dielectric measurement set up
6.4. 1 Dielectric cell
Fig 6.4 Shows the ulelectric cell which was fabricated for dielectric measurements
6. 5 Experimental procedure
6. 6 Results and discussion
6. 6. 1 Dielectric studies on SBN ceramics
6.6.2 Dielectric studies on BNN ceramics
6. 7 Ferroelectric phase transitions
6.7. 1 Diffuse phase transitions
6. 8 Dielectric loss factor for ferroelectric ceramics
6.9 Dielectric conductivity
6. 10 Dielectric relaxation in solids
6.11 References
7 Ion implantation and irradiation in ferroelectric ceramics
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Calculation of implantation range and damage distribution
7.3 Distribution parameters: straggling, skewness and kurtosis
7.4 Energy loss of SHI in materials
7.5 Universal nuclear stopping powers
7.6 Electronic stopping cross-sections
7.7 Range of swift heavy ion beams
7.8 Irraddiationn effect on BNN and SBN ceramics with Fe+ ion beam
7.9 Results and discussion
7.10 Irradiation of strontium barium niobate with Si+ ions
7.11 References
8 Structural and dielectric modification in BNN and SBN ceramic by Swift heavy ion irradiation
8.1 Introduction
8.2 SEM studies on swift heavy ion irradiated ferroelectric ceramics
8.2.1 SEM studies on BNN ceramics after irradiation with Fe+ ions
Fig. 8.1 SEM images showing the microstructural changes after irradiation with 100MeV ~d ions with a flueoce of loJ3p articles per cm2
8.3 Microstructural changes on SBN after Si + ion irradiation
Fig. 8. 2 SEM images showin the rnicroshructuxal changes &r irradiation B with 100 MeV ~ iio+ns with a fluence of 10 particles per cm2
Fig. 8. 3 SEM images showing the microstructura~ changes after Irradiation with 100MeV Sii Ions with a fluence of 1013 particles per cm?
Fig. 8. 4 $EM images showm the microstructural changes after irradiation with 100MeV Si+ h i sw ith a flueace of 10? 3 particles per cm2
8.4 X-ray analysis on irradiated materials
8.5 X-ray diffraction studies on BNN and SBN ceramics
8.6 Silicon induced structural variations in SBN ceramics
8.7 Effect of Fe - ion irradiation on dielectric properties of BNN ceramics
8.7.1 Experimental details
8.7.2 Results and discussions
8.8 References
9 Summary and conclusions
9.1 Summary and conclusions
9.2 Scope for further work.