अमृतलाल नागर के उपन्यासों में अभिव्यक्त मानवतावादी जीवन-बोध (The humanitarian concepts revealed in the novels of Amritlal Nagar: An analytical study)

Accession Number T 1676 
Call Number 891.433 AMR 09 N8 
Research Scholar Mathew Thomas (मैथ्यू थोमस) 
Guide Thomas, P M (थोमस, पी एम) 
Year 2001 
Centre of Research Department of Hindi, St. Thomas College, Pala 
Scholar Address Sri Mathew Thomas, Lecturer, Post Graduate and Research Department of Hindi, St. Thomas College, Pala 
Guide Address Dr P M Thomas, (Supervising Teacher), Professor and Head, Department of Hindi, St Thomas College, Pala. 
Branch of Study Hindi literature
Keywords Amritlal Nagar
Hindi fiction
Criticism and interpretation