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Table of Contents
I. Introduction
A. The Arrival of a New Medium
1. Development of TV in the West
2. Expansion of TV network in India
1. The Penetration of DTH and cable TV in Western Europe
3. Satellite channels in Malayalam
B. The Growing Concern About TV
1. The debate in the West
2. Growing anxiety about TV in India
3. Impact of TV on Culture
C. Perception and Reality
D. Hypothesis of the Study
E. Objectives of the Study
F. Scope of the Study
G. Limitations of the Study
II. The Research Design
A. The Universe of the Study
B. The Sample of the Study
C. The Units of the Study
D. The Mode of Data Collection
E. The Tools of the Study
III. Media Effect Studies in the West and in India: An Overview
A. Media Effect Studies in the West
1. The first phase: the theory of all powerful media
2. The second phase: the theory of weak media
3. The third phase: TV - A powerful medium
4. The fourth phase: negotiated media influence
B. Media Effect Studies in India
1. Impact of media on society
2. Impact of TV: studies in India
IV. Theoretical Perspectives on Media Effect
A. Mass Communication Theory
1. Encoding and decoding
2. Audience - producers of meaning
B. Cognitive Structure and Piagets Theory of the Origin of Intelligence in the Child
1. Cognitive structure
2. Assimilation - accommodation
C. The Social Matrix of Cognitive Structure
1. Social structure
2. Process of socialisation
D. Conclusion
V. Analysis and Interpretations
1. TV Viewing Habits and Programme Preferences of Children
A. TV Viewing Habits
1. Childrens viewing time on working days and holidays
2. TV viewing on working days
3. TV viewing on holidays
4. Boys and girls watching TV on working days
5. Boys and girls watching TV on holidays
6. Juniors and seniors watching TV on working days
7. Juniors and seniors watching TV on holidays
2. Comparison of time spent for TV and study on working days
3. Comparison of time spent for TV and study on holidays
8. Study time on weekdays on the basis of family score
9. Study time on holidays on the basis of family score
10. Time spent for study by boys and girls on working days
11. Time spent for study by boys and girls on holidays
12. Study time of children on the basis of the education of their parents
B. Programme Preferences of Children
13. Liking of children for various programmes
2. TV and the Sociality of Children
A. TV and Social Orientation
14. Childrens reaction to the visit of close relatives
15. Childrens willingness to visit friends forgoing cinema on TV
16. Childrens social commitment
B. TV and Consumerism
4. Childrens liking for Pepsi Cola and Frootie
5. Childrens demand for noodles
6. Brand fidelity to advertised toilet soaps
17. Childrens demand for cosmetic items
7. Childrens imitation of TV Characters
8. Children regularly using chewing gum
9. TVs influence on childrens habit of chewing mediated by family environment
C. Traditionalism Vs Modernism
D. Music and Dance
18. Childrens preference for various types of dress
10. Childrens liking for Western Pop music
11. Childrens liking for various dance forms
19. Relative liking of boys and girls for various types of music
20. Relative liking of boys and girls for various dance forms
12. Music: preference of various classes
13. Dance: Preference of various classes
E. TV and Independent Thinking
21. Selection of Personal goods
22. Choice of Future Career
F. Sex Mores
23. Selection of Personal goods by juniors and seniors
24. Choice of future career by juniors and seniors
14. Whether boys and girls should have more opportunity to mingle freely
25. Attitude of boys and girls towards girls having more freedom
26. Childrens attitude towards wives walking side by side or behind husbands
27. Childrens attitude towards wives eating together with husbands
15. Whether brother and sister should be given equal treatment
16 Equal treatment to brother and sister approaches by various religious groups
3. TV and the Moral Sensibility of Children
17. Equal treatment to brother and sister: approaches by various classes
A. Childrens Sensitivity to Others Needs
18 Whether children are willing to make sacrifice for helping their grandparents
28. Childrens willingness to help mothers
29. Willingness to help grandparents: approaches by various religious groups
30. Willingness to help mothers: approaches by various religious groups
B. Children and Human Relationships
19. Children who forgo a TV programme to help their grandparents: approaches by various classes
20. Children who forego a TV programme to help their mothers: approaches by various classes
21. Comparison of children valuing things and children valuing friendship
31. Children valuing things or friendship: influence of parents education
C. Dishonesty - the Right Policy?
32. Whether copying in examination is right or wrong
33. Copying in examination: attitudes of boys and girls
D. Children and Aggression
22. Copying in examination: attitude of children belonging to various classes
34. Childrens aggressiveness on the basis of family score
35. Aggressiveness of boys and girls
36. Whether aggression is justified or not
23. Whether watching aggression on TV would make children insensitive to pain
24. Sensitivity to pain: comparison of boys and girls
E. Sexual Morality
25. Whether children would watch a sexy programme or not
26. Interest in sexy programmes: attitude of rural and urban children
27. Interest in sexy programmes: attitude of various religious groups
37. Childrens attitude towards sex
F. TV and Religious Observances
38. Attitude towards sex of children belonging to various classes
28. Whether children will ask for the prohibited food item or not
29. Asking for the prohibited food item: attitude of boys and girls
4. TV and the Cognitive Development of Children
30. Asking for the prohibited food item: attitude of various classes
A. TV and the Academic Performance of Children
39. Childrens performance in examinations on the basis of family score
40. Childrens performance in examinations on the basis of education of parents
41. Childrens performance in examinations on the basis of income of parents
31. Performance in examinations of boys and girls
B. TV and Reading Habit
42. Time taken by children for extra reading
C. What Do Children Learn from TV?
32. Childrens knowledge of various disciplines
43. Childrens knowledge of various disciplines; impact of family environment
44. Childrens knowledge of various disciplines; the factor of age
D. Childrens Perception of Reality
45. Whether children accept ad message on TV about a washing soap
46. Whether children accept ad message on TV about a drug
E. Childrens Perception of Violence
33. Childrens estimation of violence in the world: impact of family environment
34. Childrens estimation of violence in the word: Impact of parents education
35. Childrens estimation of violence in the world: Impact of family income
5. TV and the Emotional Life of Children
A. Fear
47. Whether children are frightened by violent scenes on TV
48. Whether children have fear of an aggressor around them
B. Anxiety
49. Childrens anxiety borne out of mean -world -syndrome on the basis of family score
C. Love for TV Characters
36. Childrens love for TV characters on the basis of family score
37. Childrens lack of love for TV characters on the basis of family score
VI. Conclusions and Suggestions
A. TV and the Sociality of Children
B. TV and the Moral Sensibility of Children
C. TV and the Cognitive Development of Children
D. TV and the Emotional Life of Children
E. Media Education or Value Education?
F. Cultural Identity
G. Suggestions
H. Suggestions for Further Research