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Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Title / Sections Scholar Guide Branch of Study Year
Abun d - basmaya in the Syriac Tradition with particular reference to the 10th memra of Jacob of Serugh Siroli, Francesca Thomas Koonammakkal Syriac literature 2018
Catalogue of syriac liturgical manuscripts at Pampakuda library Fr.Varghese P. Varghese (Shibu Varughese) Thomas Koonammakkal Syriac literature 2017
Creation of man in Mar Jacob of Sarug’s Mimre: Translation and analysis of the our Mimre on creation James Steephen Jacob Thekkeparambil Syriac literature 2015
Eada da sliva qandisha Thejus Paul Jacob Thekkeparampil Syriac literature 2017
Mysticism of Isaac of Nineveh compared with mysticism of Rabindranath Tagore Thomas, K K Jacob Thekkeparambil Syriac literature 2013
Paulose Shliho according to Jacob of Sarug: Critical analysis of homilies 61 and 62 of Jacob on St. Paul Raju, P J Jacob Thekkeparambil Syriac literature 2017
Qulased D’Marth Maryam Jincy, O U Jacob Thekkeparambil Syriac literature 2010
The history of the Assyrian Church of the East in the twentieth century: With special reference to the Syriac literature in Kerala Mar Aprem Jacob Thekeparambil (Fr) Syriac literature 2002
T’AKS’A D-‘AL R’AZ’A Q’ADISH’A D-ZUW’AG’A- A textual and theological analysis of the order of marriage in the East Syriac Tradition Jomon, K M Thomas Koonammakkal Syriac literature 2016
‘Mar Ephrem and the early Syriac Ascetic Tradition’ Buda Lorenzo Thoms Koonammakkal Syriac literature 2017

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