Query: 1-5 of 5 Results
Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Title / Sections Scholar Guide Branch of Study Year
Accountability governance and disclosure in the nonprofit Sector narratives and practices Anil Kumar P K Harilakshmeendra Kumar, C R Social work/ social sciences 2022
Forms of caste and dalit life in the churches of Kerala an Ethnographic study Jestin T. Varghese Sanal Mohan Social work/ social sciences 2022
Intra-community relationship: Nomadic and the Colonised (Sedentariness) Malaipandarams Shynu V C Rajesh Komath Social work/ social sciences 2022
Psychosocial functioning of adolescents with specific learning disabilities: an Inquiry into personal and familial antecedents Reshma, K S Joseph I Injodey Social work/ social sciences 2022
Social integration and quality of life of migrant workers Neethu Elsa Alexander Mary Venus Joseph Social work/ social sciences 2022

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