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Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Title / Sections Scholar Guide Branch of Study Year
Brihajjataka and its commentaries: a critical study Sreenivasan P.K P. Viswanathan Nampoothiri Sanskrit (vedanta) 2019
Prakriyasarvasve bhojavyakaranasya prabhavah Rupa V M.P. Unnikrishnan Sanskrit (vedanta) 2019
Sreenarayana Vijayamahakavye Gurudeva siddhantanan samavesah Jayamol S Rajeev P.P Sanskrit (vedanta) 2019
स्वप्नं अधिकृत्य योगवासिष्ठदिशा दि स्ट्र्क्चर आन्ड् डैनामिक्स् ओफ् दि सैकी इति ग्रन्थदिशा च किमपि समीक्षात्मकं अध्ययनम् (The concept of dream: A critical study based on Yogavasistha and the structure and dynamics of the psyche) Harikrishna Sharma, K N (हरिकृष्ण शर्मा, के एन्) Viswanathan Nampoothiri, P V (विश्वनाथन् नम्पूतिरी, पी वी) Sanskrit (vedanta) 2012

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