Query: 31-60 of 102 Results
Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Title / Sections Scholar Guide Branch of Study Year
A study on two graph parameters – double roman domination number and homometric number Anu, V Aparna Lakshmanan, S Mathematics 2020
A studyon domination parameters in graphs Jismy Varghese Aparna Lakshmanan, S Mathematics 2022
Adaptive Feature Point Based Three Dimensional Motion Estimation Sajikumar, S Anilkumar, A K Mathematics 2021
Adaptive techniques in genetic algorithm and its applications Rajan, K Anilkumar, A K Mathematics 2014
Algorithmic approach to some intersection graphs Benedict Mary, A Sunny Kuriakose, A Mathematics 2006
An improved evolutionary algorithm for optimization and its application Biju, G.S Anilkumar, A.K Mathematics 2018
Analytical and numerical predictions for near-earth's satellite orbits with KS uniform regular canonical equations Xavier James Raj, M Sharma, R K Mathematics 2008
Analytical approach using KS elements to long-term Near-Earth orbit predictions including Earth’s oblateness and air drag Lila S Nair Sharma, R K Mathematics 2005
Analytical orbit predictions in terms of uniformly regular K-S canonical elements for high eccentricity satellite orbits with atmospheric drag Anitha, C S Sharma, R K Mathematics 2012
Application of fuzzy sets and graph theory in mathematical morphology Nuja M Unnikrishnan Thomas, K V 1 Mathematics 2022
Application of fuzzy sets and rough sets in algebra Ursala Paul Paul Isaac Mathematics 2019
Application of Fuzzy Sets in food Product Quality Control Divya, S L Bloomy Joseph Mathematics 2021
Application of fuzzy sets in lattice theory Latha S Nair Thomas, K V Mathematics 2012
Application of intuitionistic fuzzy sets theory to medical diagnosis James Philip Souriar Sebastian Mathematics 2016
Application of intutionistic fuzzy set in ring Meena, K Thomas, K V Mathematics 2015
Contribution of Jainas to mathematics with special reference to Ganitasarasangraha of Mahavira Mini, P M Ramakrishnan Mathematics 2010
Design and Control of Next Generation Networks by Queueing Theory Sinu Lal, T S Varghese C Joshua Mathematics 2021
Development of generalized special functions of scalar and matrix argument Anitha Thomas Samuel, M S Mathematics 2012
Domination in Graphs – Theory and Applications Manju Raju Arumugam, S Mathematics 2019
Domination in hypergraphs Bibin K Jose Arumugam, S Mathematics 2012
Edge product graphs Thavamani, J P Sunny Kuriakose, A Mathematics 2014
Fixed point theorems in Complex valued metric space Lekshmi, S Dersanambika, K S Mathematics 2020
Fixed point theorems in menger space and menger probabilistic quasi-metric space Sahni Mary Roosevelt Dersanambika, K.S Mathematics 2018
Fuzzification of decision theory and allied areas Gigi George Sunny Kuriakose, A Mathematics 2007
Fuzziness in operation research and game theory Sobhana Devi, C K Sunny Kuriakose, A Mathematics 2009
Fuzzy mathematical approach to economic problems Mary George Sunny Kuriakose, A Mathematics 2003
Fuzzy mathematics and medical diagnosis Vijayalakshmi Menon, R Sunny Kuriakose, A Mathematics 2008
Fuzzy measures and Riesz representation theorem and related results in the fuzzy context Mathews M George Samuel, M S Mathematics 2010
Leech labeling and some related concepts Seena varghese Aparna Lakshmananm, S Mathematics 2022
Mathematical Modelling of Ionospheric Parameters Suja Eapen Anilkumar, C V Mathematics 2016

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