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Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Title / Sections Scholar Guide Branch of Study Year
Exchange Rate Volatility And the Role of RBI Nimisha C Nair Vijayakumary, M.S Economics 2019
Impact of MGNREGS in Kerala - special reference to rural asset creation Vineeth Mathew Jose K. Joseph Economics 2019
Non-Income determinants of Consumption in an open Economy Context: The Case of Kerala Joseph Kurien Jose K Joseph Economics 2019
Prospects and Challenges of Ecotourism - with special reference to wildlife sanctuaries in Kerala Baby Salini, P.V Sankaranarayanan, K. C Economics 2019
Work Life of female employees in Kerala A Study of IT Sector in Kerala Shaniba, M H Rajan Varughese Economics 2019
A comparative study of Public and Private sector in General Insurance Swathy Varma, P R Ajith Kumar, N Economics 2012
A critical study of the financing of Distance education institutions in Kerala Vasudevan, V Sankaranarayanan, K C Economics 2003
A critique of the petroleum pricing policy of Government of India Prasanna Kumar, G Sankaranarayanan, K C Economics 1998
A new paradigm in agrarian relations and productivity in Kerala Omana Cheriyan Philip, P J Economics 2005
A study of competitiveness of industries in Kerala to meet the challenges of liberalised economy Babu Thomas Jose, R V Economics 2012
A study of Indian textile exports with special reference to eco-friendly aspects Paul Cornelius Ajith Kumar, N Economics 2006
A study of women workers in the plantation sector of Kerala Tessy Kurian Jose, R V Economics 2000
A study on informal workers in mega development projects of Ernakulam district Jinu Elizabeth Sebastian Muraleedharan, S Economics 2021
A study on Socio- Economic impact of neighbourhood groups (NHGs)in Attappady A comparison between tribal and non tribal Communities Antony J. P. Arunachalam Economics 2019
A study on the performance of Indian textile industry in the context of multi fibre agreement (MFA) Regime Greeshma, S Muraleedharan, S Economics 2016
Ageing of women in Kerala - An analysis of their consumption pattern Merly Zachariah Tessy Kurian Economics 2012
Agricultural indebtedness in Kerala – a study of Idukki district Madhu Sudhanan Nair, M.S Raju, K.V Economics 2019
Agricultural technology development and transfer in the socio-economic transformation of agrarian economies: The Kerala experience with special reference to Kuttanad Aniyankunju, P C Joseph A Thomas Economics 2005
Agro-processing in Kerala - A case study of Rice mills in Kalady Krishnadas, K Mohanakumar, P S Economics 2007
Allocation of time of working women in Kerala: A comparative study across occupations Ramya, R Visakha Varma, G Economics 2014
An economic analysis of health care burden and health insurance of unorganized workers in Kerala Eldose, A M Sheela Varghese Economics 2016
An economic analysis of Indian railways: A study on two railway divisions Julie P Lazar Mani, K P Economics 2014
An economic analysis of Kole cultivation in Kerala with special reference to Thrissur District Leema, T G Thomas, E M Economics 2016
An Economic Analysis of School Dropouts in the Coastal Regions of Kerala Martin, K J Raju, K V Economics 2021
An economic analysis of the impact of chit funds on Kerala economy Meera, R Manjula, K Economics 2020
An economic evaluation of Consumer Cooperatives in Kerala Thomas Paul Kattookaran Mani, K P Economics 2003
An economic evaluation of rural drinking water supply projects in Kerala: A comparative study Vijayakumary, M S Antony, C A Economics 2004
An evaluation of community housing projects under people’s plan in Kerala – A case study of Thrissur District Baby, V O Stephanson, K A Economics 2013
An evaluation of eco-tourism projects in Kerala: A study with special reference to Idukki District Resmi, G Leena Mathew Economics 2013
An evaluation of the performance and social capital formation of food processing Microenterprises under kudumbasree in Kerala Kavitha A C Muraleedharan S Economics 2017

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